The Thursdays in April and May 2016 were dedicated to Time-Out With Pastors. During the program, the church was free to ask youth pastors varying questions about their personal lives and walk with God, as a means to learning from them. On the final Thursday two female pastors, who are wives of youth church pastors were interviewed about their marriages.


Were you in any relationship prior to meeting your spouse?


Sister Gift: I heard from God about my husband but could not imagine marrying an MFM Pastor. Finally I gave in to God’s word.


Sister Bukky: I was in a relationship with a brother from another church and he was doing very well but we were always having issues until God revealed my husband to me. He started to assist me in prayers about anger issues.


What do you enjoy most in your marriage?


Sis Gift: I enjoy the peace of God and the fact that my husband listens to her. We do not go to bed without settling our disagreements. He also allows me to have my way most times. (Giggles)


Sis Bukky: My husband has been a teacher in my life. He teaches me and leads me towards the right path.


Plans for the next few years?


Sis Gift: To go into Ministry full time.


Sis Bukky: To begin lecturing full time.


Do you have insecurities in your marriage?


Sis Gift: I never feel insecure but speak with my husband when I feel a certain person (woman) does not go with my spirit.


Sis Bukky: I never feel insecure but also caution my husband when I need to. I pray about it too.


How did you cope with your mother-in-law?


Sis Gift: Difficult at first but it became easier with time.


Sis Bukky: Conflicts of interest at first but was able manage it with time.


Question: Are you both romantic?


Sis Gift: Yes I am, but my husband is not.


Sis Bukky: Yes I am, but he is far from it. (laughs)