“All my mates have boyfriends, I’m the only odd person among them”, she expressed in displeasure. 

“Guy, why you dey dull yourself, fine boy like you, girlfriend you no get? Come make we organize fine babe for you”, they echoed amusingly. 
We are in a competitive world where people in their different classes struggle to gain recognition and acceptance. A lot of people sweat it out just to prove a point that they are able to do what others do. 
In relationships, competition has eaten deep into the lives of men. Men keep girlfriends to avoid isolation from the world of fun and pleasure. They do it to keep tabs with their friends so as to gain ‘experience’. 
Ladies are also caught up in this competitive quest. The race to look like the most beautiful, be the best dressed, best couple and so on has engrossed their lives to the extent that they forget who they really are. 
This battle has now become a must-do for many people. Many live with the philosophy that if you cannot beat them, you join them!
Do you need to feel among? 
Many who felt the need to ‘feel among’ have faced the consequences of issues such as fornication, adultery, sexual immorality, unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. 
You need not feel among in life because life is not defined by what everyone does but by what one person does outstandingly. 
That everyone has a boyfriend or a girlfriend does not mean it is the right thing to do. In fact, it would most likely serve as a distraction. 
Many do not know that the demands of this kind of relationship is much and burdensome. The time, resources, effect, attention and demands would affect ones life and destiny. 
D not feel among as there are too many people living the common life. The world is in need of extraordinary men and women who have not defiled themselves with the vanities of life. Men and women who defy all odds such as youthful exuberance and peer pressure to carve a niche for themselves. 
Daniel and the three Hebrew boys chose not to feel among, although they were humiliated but in the long run, it paid off. They could have done what the Babylonians did but they knew who they were. 
It is lack of vision that would make you do what your mates are doing just because they are doing it.  Those who know where they’re headed or who they are do not engage in destructive pleasures such as drinking, partying or living as though there is no tomorrow. 
You need determination to stand out and not feel among. You will  be enticed with all the pleasures to ‘feel among’, but when you see the prize of standing out, you  will  despise the temporal and go for the lasting benefits instead. 
Stand out among the circle of your friends and colleagues. Do not do what others are doing because everyone else does same. There are few people at the top but too many people at the lower Cadre of life. 
Just in case you don’t know, God is interested in the remnants of the land than in the multitude who have corrupted themselves. 
To my single brothers, sisters and teenagers who choose not to do what others are doing, I write this to encourage you, you are not alone. Though it would seem as though you are the only odd person but the truth is, there are many out there who are surviving without engaging in destructive relationships . 
To those who say “No sex until marriage”, I celebrate and encourage you to remain steadfast and unmoved, God is really proud of you and would reward you. 
Stand out for God and for good. Do not associate yourself with vain persons who have no future ambitions. Do not associate with those who call sin fun or being smart, God will not lower His standard to conform to man’s imperfection. 
Are you tempted to join them? Do not heed, that’s  dangerous! The world is waiting for your shine. Remember, your story and your success is all that the world needs. Don’t be among those who sow terrible seeds to the world. Stand out and stand for God!

Written by Oluwamayowa.