​The Morning was eerie,

Cold hands, I was shivering.

I began to wonder how suddenly everything became icy,

I mean – this is not me!

So tight and fettered felt the grip of death

I was plunged, I was down, I was sinking four feets…

To think I was gone and done for
Warmth tickled my left ear

You might wonder how I got to feel it since I was no good but dead

It then struck me that even death had no say in His presence,

I felt goose bumps as a hand laid on my left shoulder.

It must be the devil himself I feared
But then how would his hands be soothing and warm?

A hundred and eighty degrees turned I to face… Light!

I faced light! One so dazzling that my eagle-eyed iris could not contain its rays.

There I stood feeling like a mere dark shadow and for once it crossed my heart, the great darkness it had been enveloped in – Oh! How worthless it made me feel.
Thinking of worthlessness, I remembered I had been touched. Who touched me?

I wasn’t a fool, I wouldn’t deceive myself that I was ignorant of it

At least, I heard the pastor once mentioning of how great He is that dwells in light!

It clicked! What if I was before judgment but this couldn’t be it, I was a believer!

Invading my thought was a soft voice that asked, “what are those stains?”

Okay I was confused – “What stains?”

I looked down and on my garment I saw different colour stains,

“How did they get here?” I screamed, “I have a white garment and my pastor said so”
I don’t know how it got there but I badly wanted to be in that light, to feel that warmth again,

It became obvious I wasn’t worth it for He who dwells between Cherubims is the Holy of Holies.

The pass was a white garment and smartly I thought I could get Ariel or Omo to wash it.

Just then I felt someone nudge me, and I was back to the real world. It was a trance, to show me I was spiritually deaden.

Suddenly my head got spinning,

My sins caused riot in the centre of my head,

I was dead in sin but I had to be dead to sin.
As I began condemning myself

Isaiah 1:18 parted my lips “…though your sins be like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow”

It gave me hope of a second chance

There and then, on the surface of the water I was to be immersed in, was Romans 6:4

“therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death; that as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in the newness of life”

Behold, I would be whole again.

Written by Marhvie