“You don’t tell a child to avoid leprosy if he can live alone in the forest” – Nigerian Proverb
Sex before marriage is a popular trend even beyond marriage itself, that most people especially singles indulged in it. They believe it is fun or ‘normal’ to do,  that most people are lured into it.
Many had indulged in it only to discover the real truth behind it. Sex, as opposed to its real purpose, to be used in marriage, is now explored and experimented by people in their relationships.
The ‘beauty’ about sex before marriage are as follows:
1. It is good when you are ready to face its consequences. 
Beyond the few minutes pleasure usually said about premarital sex, there are some consequences that often come with it. 
Remember, “Stolen waters (pleasures) are sweet [because they are forbidden]; and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.” (Proverbs 9:17, AMP).
Sex before marriage is enjoyable but be ready to face consequences like soul ties, guilt and condemnation, unwanted pregnancies, shame, abortions and contraction of sexually transmitted diseases.

However, not all of these consequences can be prevented by using contraceptives. It is until a child is burnt that he will dread fire.
2. It will make you hurt yourself. 
Isn’t that weird? How can I hurt myself? 
One thing many people don’t know about premarital sex is that you cannot indulge in it and remain the way you were before the act.
For instance, the emotional pain or bitterness that comes with being used and neglected when you have premarital sex cannot be erased because it will remain engraved in your memory. Not everyone that had sex before marriage got married to each other.
To remain emotionally, spiritually and medically healthy, premarital sex is not an option even though it is cheap or your hormones demand for it. Count the cost rather than the pleasure.
3. It will make you sin against God. 
“Honor marriage, and guard the sacredness of sexual intimacy between wife and husband. God draws a firm line against casual and illicit sex. ” (Hebrews 13:4, MSG).
Some may say God is full of mercy and indulge in premarital sex thinking that  they can always ask for forgiveness. 
Yes He is. You can choose your sin but not its consequences. When you sin against God, you’ll become His enemy and this will give the devil the opportunity to steal your happiness and you’d become vulnerable to his attack.
Remember, the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy when you violate God’s law. Sex before marriage is one of the avenues he often uses to get into people’s life unhindered.
4. It ‘assists’ your progress in life
Imagine what would have become of Samson had it been he had not allowed  those few minutes of pleasure on Delilah’s lap to truncate his destiny.
You may disapprove it but it is the fact. You don’t toy your destiny with premarital sex. God has created you uniquely and to fulfill that purpose, you must stay away from some destiny destroying vices. Premarital/extramarital sex is one of the ways that the devil uses in destroying people’s life beyond repair.
Now, if you are ready to live a frustrated and unfulfilled life, premarital sex is good for you. But if otherwise, you must stay away from it! 
If with all these you are still not convinced that sex before marriage is detrimental, then you need to experiment it yourself to see whether it is true or not. Sexual relationship before marriage will make you sin against God, hurt yourself, suffer its consequences and also affects your progress in life negatively.
Honor God with your body while you’re single so that you can live your life to the fullest. 

Written by Oluwamayowa