Here’s a story told of two ladies who were awaiting the arrival of their husbands. The first one had all it takes to meet her bridegroom: she’s sexually pure, prepared and patiently hoping for his arrival. 

The second lady too was sexually pure, patient but not fully prepared. When their husband came, he arrived at a time when they both least expect. The first one was happy because she was hopeful and prepared but the second one couldn’t be married to her groom because of her shoddy preparation. This made her miss out of his perfect plan.
Waiting on God is one of the most difficult aspect of our walk with Him. There’s no hard and fast rule that would make you jump the process, you just have to learn and patiently allow His perfect will to play out. 
While waiting, I know that prayers must have been made, praises have been offered, faith has been utilized, giving has been sacrificially sown; yet, response seem not to appear. 
Is God silent? Does it seem as if He won’t answer? Several thoughts would be racing through your mind and it will make you to worry. That God seem delayed doesn’t mean He’s going to deny you or reject you. Don’t allow the devil fill you with the thoughts of doubt and fear. 
He took so long before He answered Abraham, Hannah and Elizabeth, but they were not denied or have their hopes dashed for trusting in Him. 
Are you in this state in your walk with God? Does it seem as if He’s not answering your prayers on that marital issue, lingering health issue, financial challenges or what have you? Don’t give up! Here’s what you should do…
1. Get a word from Him
Has God spoken to you over that situation you’re trusting Him to intervene? God speaks through dreams, vision, trance and a still small voice or from His word. 
Whichever the means, ensure you get a word from Him. A word from God dispel every fears, worries and difficulties. And if He has spoken to you, don’t fret but…
2. Rejoice at His word
Have you ever imagined how a young child feels when his father promise to get him some chocolates? He goes about happy, rejoicing and without worrying, feels assured. He would even tell his friends about it because he’s confident that his father won’t disappoint. 
Do you have this kind of heart in relation to God’s word? He has spoken, yet He want you to take Him at His word. Are you assured with what He has told you or you’re worried or doubtful? 
See, whatever God has told you, He’ll surely bring it to pass. He’s not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should repent (Num 23:19). And whatever word He has spoken concerning your life won’t return to Him void without accomplishing what it intends. 
Having develop a heart of rejoicing over His spoken words or promises, then…
3. Serve Him more
Oftentimes, we get to relapse in our love and zeal for God when He delays His response over the matter we’re trusting Him to proffer solutions to. But does that change anything? 
You’ll give the devil the edge to ruin your reward when you reduce your zeal for God. Prosperity comes when in obedience, you serve Him (Job 36:11). Remember, God has nothing to lose if you refuse to serve Him, in fact He will raise stones if you refuse to serve Him. 
Don’t allow yourself to be replaced or your blessings to be given to another because of your inactive walk with Him. And while you’re in your duty post…
4. Unsettle that wrong decision 
Wrong decisions would come as a suggestion or alternatives instead of hoping on what God has said. It would definitely seem good or acceptable, but when you embrace them, they’ll prevent you from enjoying God’s perfect will over that matter. 
Your friends, parents or some spiritual leaders who doesn’t understand God’s dealing with you will bring up wrong suggestions, don’t act on them but unsettle them. 
How do you unsettle them?
First. Discard such suggestions or thoughts by allowing God’s word prevail over them. 
Second. Keep reminding yourself of His promises, confess and believe them. The more you say it, the more those wrong suggestions dissipates, worry vanishes and pressure drastically reduced. 
Remember, God is always right on time. Don’t give up or lose heart. Don’t lean on your understanding by taking that suitable option which contravene His purpose for your life. If only you’d serve Him more, rejoice at His word and cast down those negative words, He’ll make all things beautiful in its time in your life. 

© Mayowa Adeniyi