Special feature from August edition of the Drive

  1. Regular attendance: Truancy should be done away with. A 100% class attendance should be recorded at lectures. When this is not possible due to illness or other unavoidable excuses, class attendance should not be less than 80%.
  2. Know yourself: Discover when, where and how best you assimilate when reading and make use of it. Do not walk in other people’s shoes or be a copycat. If you are the type that assimilates well during the day, plan your time to make your day free and less strenuous. Do not join others who play all through the day. You never can tell if they make use of their nights. If you assimilate well at night, sleep during the day so that you will be wide awake at night.
  3. Have good study habits: Assignments should not be left unattended to till the following day but should be done on the day given. Also, students should ensure that they do not sleep without reading what they have been taught for the day. Related reading materials and textbooks should be combined with notes. Students should read before coming to class and after each lecture. Notes should not be piled up till when examination or test is near. Crash reading is not a technique for successful students.
  4. Time management: Students must plan their day and manage their time. For best results, the activities in the day must be planned and strictly followed. A daily time table can be drafted with the day’s activities clearly outlined. Time should be allocated to study, siesta, assignments and for other activities like house chores.
  5. Proper note-taking: Good and neat notes should be taken in class. The areas where the teachers lay emphasis on should also be noted. Students should write notes properly and pay rapt attention in class so as not to miss important information. The habit of collecting notes from friends should be avoided.
  6. Avoid procrastination: It has been said, “procrastination is the thief of time”. Lazy students postpone what should be done till later. They procrastinate attendance at classes, note writing and reading. They prefer doing other things that waste time and spend little or no time reading.
  7. Set realistic goals: Goals should be set at the beginning of a new semester or session. Desired grades in each course should be written and worked towards. The goals should be realistic. It is not enough to set the goals; the goals should be pursued diligently.
  8. Make good friends: The brilliant and hardworking students should be your close friends. Any friend that does not add value to your life should be avoided. You should befriend those who have similar goals and values with you.
  9. Engage in extracurricular activities: It has been said, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Through extracurricular activities, social interaction is enhanced, students get to meet new friends, get exposed to other ways of life and educational opportunities. Such activities can include joining a unit in church/fellowship, participating in academic associations or sports. This should not interfere with your studies. There should be moderation in a student’s social life.
  10. Be prayerful: We cannot achieve our goals without the God factor. Students should be close to God by engaging in regular prayers and bible study. This is easy when you attend fellowship regularly and maintain godly friends.

Culled from www.passnownow.com