Oluwasesan Miller

In Luke 23:33-34, we see Jesus praying for those who crucified Him after His crucifixion. He prayed that God would forgive them.

That right there is Love.

One of the commandments we have instructs us to love our neighbors as ourselves, Jesus even tells us to love them that hate us. If we break this down and look at the latter statement, it’s a really hard thing to do.

Come to think of it, before Jesus came and brought salvation to us, we hated God. Our actions thumbed our nose at God, kinda like saying, “Screw you, we hate you and love the devil”.

Yet God sent His begotten Son to us, to buy us back into freedom from the slavery we sold ourselves to. Even when Jesus was flogged and humiliated, He didn’t say:

“Heck! I’m trying to help y’all and you do this to me? Thousand thunder fires to y’all. ”

Believe me, He could have done it. (maybe I would have). Jesus however was obedient to the Father and by that obedience, we were saved… Glory!

God commands us as ambassadors of the kingdom not to just speak in tongues or quote scriptures or heal and the likes. The commandment is TO LOVE.

1 John 4:17 tells us that as with Love, we can be like Him at the end.

Brothers and sisters, when you accepted Jesus, you were transformed into a lover. If you let the Holy Spirit in you teach you love, you would notice it really ain’t that hard.

Do you love?

Is charity seen in you?

I pray that God teaches us how to love in Jesus Name.