Pastor Leke Babayomi

Hi everyone. It’s wonderful to be a part of this year-end. Recall that men of God including our General Overseer, Dr. Daniel Olukoya declared many prophecies about 2017 that came to pass. And I know many people are looking forward to knowing the general plan of God for 2018 by listening to these men of God.

Amos 3:7 – Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

Similarly, God wants to reveal His plans for each of His children. He wants to share them. He wants us to know them and the best person to receive God’s mind for a person is that person. Oh yes! you have to be a prophet for yourself. You need to download the mind of heaven for you ahead of the New Year. This fore-knowledge is beneficial:

  • It helps you to set goals and make plans that align with God’s purpose for you.
  • It gives you confidence that God is on your side even when you face obstacles along the way in 2018.
  • It helps you to get closer to God.

How do you become your own Personal Prophet?

  1. Purge yourself of all impurities and defilement;
  2. Confess all your disobedience to God. For instance, your disobedience or delay in acting on the word of God or voice of the Holy Spirit in the past;
  3. Go on a personal retreat. The location can be your house, but better still a place with minimal distractions. During this period, you will worship, praise, meditate on the word of God, fast, pray and ask God probing questions about your life in the coming year. You can plan the timing of this retreat to match your schedule. What matters is that you seek the face of the Lord;
  4. Plan your year during the season of waiting on God. What happens is that your mind is less noisy and you can discern and separate those goals that are your ambitions from God’s goals;
  5. Write down your plans and goals and set timelines to achieve them. Also enumerate what you will do to achieve each one;
  6. Write down any insights or revelations that God gives you and act accordingly;
  7. Praise God in advance for He will bring to pass everything He told you and that He will make your plans come to pass.

I hope this makes sense to someone. Please send me your questions in the comments section below. I look forward to celebrating testimonies with you all.

Happy New Year in advance.