Questions Singles Ask


Sir, I’m in a relationship out of church and there’s pregnancy involved. I’ve done the family introduction and I am also planning for the Registry. Please help me out.


Being in a Relationship out of church

What this simply means is that you are in a relationship that is not godly. This is a faulty foundation because you probably must have gone into this relationship when you were not born again. And if you have given your life to Christ, behold you are now a new creature and old things must pass away (including old faulty relationships) and all things have become new (a new godly relationship must be established).

Pregnancy involved

This simply means you have gone against the commandment of God which says that we should keep the marriage bed undefiled. There is a serious spiritual implication to this especially regarding the unborn child as any child born out of wedlock is considered a bastard. This implies that the baby will have to be fervently prayed for and continuous deliverance needs to be carried out as the child grows up. This is why sex before marriage is a delicate issue as a Christian.

You’ve done the Family Introduction

The deed has been done, you are now pregnant. The first step is genuine repentance and total reconciliation back to Christ between you and your intended spouse. This will follow a series of …

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