Omonfonma Favour Ehinomen

My pen and paper in preparedness to describe you as a strong man,
Confident in readiness to run a race,
Words escape the circumspect of my mind; more like his bag of ego got deflated as his muscles contracted at the instance of the race.
I gawk at the empty sheet, grasping every word that could possibly come to mind…
So I decide to bare my heart renderings to you as I lack words to describe you,
A free land to build big dreams, the very breath I use to exist in words,
Beautifully adorned with thoughts, feelings of minds extraordinaire,
My heart travels in depth to find you.
Scroll after scroll opened in my heart,
Words flowing continually, I stop to catch my breath,
I must have been going on a marathon, but then I realise that you are the very pulse that propels my breathing.
This is God’s gift to me, as he was the first poet that stole my heart with His words,
Poetry is a beautiful discovery embedded in man’s hearts, saturates our hearts, yielding peace.