Oluwamayowa Adeniyi 

The human race won’t have been complete without the creation of a womb-man, a word which was later metamorphosed into woman. She was made from one of the weakest parts of a man. Although she was termed a weak vessel, yet she’s so strong in that she possesses the capacity to preserve and carry the man’s seed all through the period of gestation and travail in birth. 

Of all the creatures created by God, a woman is not just beautiful; she’s endowed with the capacity to procreate. This made her command respect and she became an indispensable creation before God. Unfortunately, the devil cunningly sought means to corrupt her and the seeds she procreates.

What makes a woman all that she’s been endowed to be goes far beyond than her physical appearance, it has more to do with her PURPOSE.

Why did God create women? God never created anything without a purpose. A woman was made to complement the missing part of a man’s life. Her purpose of creation is far more than being a sex object, making babies or becoming a wife as defined by the society. She was created to be a help meet. 

A help meet is not the same as a help mate. Any woman can be a man’s help mate but it takes purpose for a woman to be a help MEET for the man. Do you know why God created you to be a woman?

He did so because He knows that you have all it takes to procreate. You don’t have to be married to do this. You have the strength, wisdom and other abilities to do this. If you don’t discover your innate potentials as a woman, you’ll abuse your life and existence. 

In marriage, you’re created to help a man fulfill God’s purpose for his life. It takes God to make a woman to be a man’s help meet but men can choose to make you their wives through dating, cohabitation, pregnancy induced marriage, pleasure focused marriage or unplanned marriage. But when you discover God’s purpose for your life and you marry a man that’s helping God, you’ll be a help meet for him. Living for God’s purpose and marrying a man who’s fulfilling God’s purpose makes you a help meet. 

Before marriage, you’re created to help God in achieving His purpose on earth. God has deposited some potentials inside of you which ought to find expression through your positive influence. You don’t need a man to validate your existence or determine your worth as a woman. Rather, you need God to show you what He’s created you for and let that define who you are and what you should live for.

One thing that makes a woman special is because of her PRIDE. A woman’s pride is defined by so many factors. 

Beauty is one of the things that women pride themselves in. A woman’s beauty catches peoples attention but many have nothing else than beauty to show. God added beauty in a woman’s life to attract and positively influence lives but because its purpose isn’t known, many abuse it and the devil also hijacks it. Sadly, beauty is deceitful but a woman with the fear of God shall be praised.

Have you imagined how priceless a woman would be when she’s beautiful and brainy? That’s good pride! A woman’s good character is her irrefutable pride. There are many beautiful women but few of them have good character. Don’t just be a beautiful woman, be a woman of good character whose price is far above rubies. 

There are vast indices of a good character and they’re not limited to being clothed with the garment of humility, respect, being industrious, godly, caring and prudent in speech and deed. Do you have these traits in you as a woman? 

Sexual purity and dignity is another area where a woman prides herself. God had to look for a virgin to birth the Son of man because He knew what sexual purity and dignity entails. This doesn’t mean those who aren’t virgins do not have what to pride themselves in or aren’t useful. The loss of virginity is not the end of your pride; staying pure and living a life of purpose is key.

However, because lots of women do not know their purpose of existence and God’s purpose for their lives, they’re faced with one major problem – Identity.

A woman who doesn’t know her identity will drag matters with a man for gender equality. A man is made to be the head while a woman is made to support him. It’s sheer ignorance for you to abuse what He has created you for and assume equality with a man. Don’t buy into this false philosophy.

When a woman doesn’t know her identity, she’ll be defined by what a man wants her to be and what the society has projected the female folks to represent. This reflects in the way many dress and care for their skin. Some even believe that they’re incomplete being single without having a man in their lives and this makes them settle for ordinary and purposeless men. Their behavioral pattern and the way they talk or seek a living for themselves in life shows that many are suffering from identity crisis.

Lots of women abuse the purpose why God created them because they do not know what their lives are meant for. This is why some use their bodies to get what they want. 

Dear woman, you are made to preserve the seed of a man that’s fulfilling God’s purpose in life; you’re created to raise godly offspring and you don’t have to be married to achieve this. The kind of information you allow to be ingrained into your mind determines who you become, who you marry and how you treat yourself. Are you really proud because you’re a woman? Its not just about having pride with your container but in the rich content of your soul that’s finding expression in the world or that’s already expressing itself through your midas touch.

Get up and discover who you are. Remove the society’s veil of deception and run to God to see, know and become who He has created you to become. Don’t just be a woman for pleasure, be a woman of purpose whose positive and eternal impact can never be forgotten in decades to come.