Dr. D.K Olukoya
General Overseer – MFM Ministries Worldwide

Date: Wednesday, 11th Apr. 2018
Venue: MFM Int’l Headquarters Lagos
Programme: MFM Youth Church 10th Year Anniversary Special Manna Water Service

Text: 1 Sam. 2:6

“The LORD killeth and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.”

This is a deep scripture. It is heavily pregnant. It tells us in very clear terms that God is a killer and that God can also make alive. God can resurrect and can also kill. Listen beloved, God in His wisdom knows that certain things cannot happen until certain things die. The story of Prophet Isaiah lends credence to this statement.

Consider the prophet Isaiah. He is called the Messianic prophet. No one knew that he was eventually going to become the prophet of the Messiah. However, in the whole of the Old Testament, it is in his book that you find the gospel so clearly preached. Some of which includes:

“… all we like sheep have gone astray… – Isa. 53:6”
“ … For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder… – Isa. 9:6”
… the chastisement of our peace is upon him; and with his stripes we are healed… – Isa. 53:5”

No one knew scriptures such as this were in his tommy. He was prophesying rubbish and nonsense in the King’s palace until something happened – King Uzziah died. The Bible now says, “in the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the LORD”. Isn’t it strange that a prophet who never saw the LORD was prophesying? The reason is this: there was a King Uzziah who was the insulation to his breakthroughs. Prior to King Uzziah’s death, he remained a parrot prophet in the King’s palace. His destiny remained embalmed in a cage.

That’s why I pray for anyone here who knows that this is not their best, who knows that they are not supposed to be like this. I’m praying that any King Uzziah in your foundation, in your mistakes, in your virtue, assigned to kill your destiny shall die in the name of Jesus!

Until that King Uzziah died, Isaiah did not blossom in the radar of destiny. He had disappeared. He had become a zombie in the school of prayer all because there was somebody who was supposed to die that was still alive. God himself knows that certain things have to go before some things happen.

There was no rain in the land and there was never going to be rain until some prophets died and until Elijah slaughtered those prophets of Baal, it was then rain could fall. Likewise, a fellow human being can be the insulation of heaven over your life. A particular situation can be the insulation of heaven over your life, which prevents you from accessing what you should access. This is why God is a God that also killeth.

If you pay close attention to the scriptures, you would notice that the prophets of the Bible operated with two legs – they curse, they bless. If you do what they don’t want, they service you with curses; if you do what they want, they service you with blessings. The same principle is what God operates on – He KILLETH and He MAKETH ALIVE. This is why you must listen carefully.

Death has several meanings. It means:

  • To lose force
  • To eradicate
  • To pass away
  • To cease
  • To collapse
  • To fade away
  • To disappear
  • To stop working
  • To finish
  • To eradicate
  • To terminate
  • To dissolve
  • To destroy
  • To come to an end

To kill doesn’t necessarily mean that somebody is not breathing. To kill could mean to cease functioning. A good example was when God pronounced Adam dead in Genesis:

“But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” – Gen. 2:17

This shows that the day that they (he and his wife) ate of this tree, they died. Notwithstanding, Adam lived for 930 years. It means that that death is not what you think. The death that God’s talking about is spiritual death. If a witch troubles someone by using their wicked power to address the person, and this person prays a killing prayer that “let those powers troubling me die,” the owner of that power wouldn’t die but that power behind the witch is what will die i.e., they try the power against you, it becomes inept.

The Bible says, “But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth” – 1 Tim. 5:6. So death doesn’t necessarily mean that someone passes away. It could also mean that something is not performing its function. Spirits, of course, do not die. However, it is possible to stop them from carrying out their evil functions. That’s why we do not pray against human beings but against strongholds, evil powers, voices, gates, and wickedness.

Let me tell you this fact, the enemy does not want you in the hospital; rather he wants you in the coffin. There are killing agents working against you whether you like it or not. Your own killing agent might be the cigarette that you are smoking, the alcohol you are drinking, the masturbation that you are practicing.

God is the ultimate killing machine but it is unfortunate that people don’t understand that there are large numbers of enemies who would not leave you alone unless they die. There are killing agents around and if they grab you, they will kill you. If you don’t rise up with all the ability that God has given to you to kill, then you will be killed.

Headache, cancer, poverty, ulcer, diabetes, high blood pressure, marital stress, failure are all killing agents. You have to kill them first. If you land in hell fire, it is because you did not kill sin. If you kill sin, you will not land there. Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt. God killed her. Nadab and Abihu, Aaron’s sons lighted strange fire, God killed them. God killed the 10 spies for their unbelief and rebellion. Uzzah died because of his carelessness concerning the ark. God struck Ananaias and Sapphira down for lying to the Holy Spirit. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed by fire and brimstone. God sent his angel to kill all the Egyptian first borns.

Now hear this brutal truth – it’s this: if you do not kill, you will be killed. God himself is the ultimate killing machine. To be quite honest with you, you are on earth on a mission and your mission is to kill sin, unrighteousness, infirmity, and the acts of darkness. Believers must possess voices that can kill both physically and spiritually.

Satanic elements, sicknesses, oppression, pain, opposition, diseases, demotion and anything that could rubbish your destiny, calling, anointing, marital life must be addressed with killing prayers. God is a killer; the devil too is a killer. You too must be a killer. You must approach the school of the Holy Spirit in order to access this anointing.

To access that anointing, you need one thing – closeness to God. The closer you are to God, the more potent are the words you speak. The closer you are to God, the more you speak like God but the farther you are from Him, and the more you toy with sin, the farther you are from this kind of anointing.