
Editors Note: This interview with Pastor Femi Bamiduro was held in February this year when he was the Chairman of the Youth Church Anniversary Committee. Recently on the 6th of May, Pastor Femi was appointed the Third Assembly Pastor of the MFM Headquarters Youth Church.

The MFM Headquarters Youth Church 10th Anniversary celebration was successfully held this year from 8th – 15th April with lots of testimonies recorded. In a brief chat with our correspondents, Pastor Femi spoke about his time in the church, the church’s history, successes recorded and much more.

Can you please introduce yourself?

My name is Oluwafemi James Bamiduro.

When did you join the MFM International Headquarters Youth Church?

I joined from the beginning.

What group were you in and were you a Pastor then?

I did not just become a Unit Pastor; I started by assisting Pastor Muyiwa in the Outreach Group. I handled the newcomers and also counseling. In the Outreach group, we welcome newcomers, attend to them and also do counseling.

What group are you in right now?

Right now I’m the Pastor of Jireh’s Team.

Can you share your personal experiences in the Youth Church?

When God wants to do something new or a revival is supposed to take place, God reveals the vision to people He will use. Back then, the vision for the Youth Church came. All of a sudden in February 2008, the church commenced properly and I stayed with the church. Before Youth Church, I had attended some schools in MFM. From early 2000, I have been a House Fellowship leader, even when we started Youth Church.

God had already prepared the people he wanted to use by revealing the vision to them. Those of us who found ourselves here from the beginning did not come here by accident. God had already placed in our hearts the work we were to do for Him. We thank God ten years is gone and we are still standing strong. We will continue to stand the test of time in Jesus name, Amen.

It is a wonderful experience. The Youth ministry is not a ministry anybody can dabble into. If you are not called to be there, you cannot function there. Some have even classified pastors in the Youth Church as being young and babes but that is not true. It is our ministry even if we are in our 40s and 50s and we believe that for us to be able to mingle or communicate well, we must come down to the level of those we want to pastor. We must not be too far above them. Even sometimes we look, speak and act in a youthful manner so we can communicate and relate with them.

Are you presently a full time Pastor?

By the grace of God, I’m a full-time pastor and I’ve been a full time pastor since 2009.


Recently on the 6th of May, Pastor Femi was appointed as the Assembly Pastor of the MFM Headquarters Youth Church

What changes have occurred from the inception of the Youth Church till date?

The things of God are new every day, every morning; and God works in diverse ways. When we started, we had our church building where we only held one service, the very first service. The second service did not take place there. We realised that the place was too small for the congregation so we had to move down to the University of Lagos and we have been having our services here ever since.

The Youth Church started with Pastor David Popoola as the Assembly Pastor and after him was Pastor Olatunde Oyetola. They have been wonderful pastors. The Lord has used them greatly and he will continue to use them in Jesus name. I believe the church is marching on and the gates of hell will not prevail. MFM started the movement of the Youth Church. We are fore-runners. I think we have the highest number of Youth Church branches in Nigeria.

We realised that some youths come to church every Sunday and are mixed with the main church which some call the adult church; youth are also adults. The same sermon which daddy listens to might not be really applicable to the son or daughter. By the time they are set aside, everyone is given what their destiny demands. That is what we have been doing and the Lord has been so wonderful.

What personal or general outstanding testimonies have you recorded so far in the church?

A lot of testimonies have been recorded but I think the outstanding one to me is a muslim lady whom I preached to for four to five years, who eventually gave her life to Christ. There are other testimonies but this particular lady is now a Christian and a committed worker in the church.

How would you describe the church growth over the years?

The church growth has been good and I believe we can do better. Though we have branches around now, we can still spread wider. We have workers and labourers that have been trained as ministers. If ten branches were established today, we have capable hands to handle them.

Where do you see the Youth Church in the next five years?

In the next five years, the Youth Church is going places; revival is going to happen. Although MFM is a global church, there is going to be a miracle that will announce us more because we have a lot of soldiers loaded with ammunition. They are only waiting to be unleashed to propagate the gospel with massive speed; and evil powers that want to stop us must be ready to lose their own lives.

Your goodwill message

We are celebrating ten years which is a remarkable year in the life of any organisation or church. Whatever you are doing, wherever you are now, always remember that you will not be a youth forever. Therefore use it for the glory of God and not for the glory of the world. I wish you all a very wonderful ten years anniversary.

The Lord will bless us all in Jesus name.