Oluwamayowa Adeniyi

Life is full of challenges and many people struggle to make a meaning out of it. Because of the uncertainties that come with life, a lot of people strive hard to make ends meet while the complexities of life throws its weight on them.

Moreover, the more you become uncertain about the future, the more you become faced with anxiety that comes from within. According to lexicon, anxiety is an unpleasant state of mental uneasiness, nervousness, apprehension, obsession or concern about some uncertain event one is facing or would face in life.

Do you know that your life will be full of anxiety when you worry about too many things in life? There are lots of people who worry over everything – finding a marital partner, getting a job, paying house rent, how to pay the bills, what to wear, drink or eat.

It’s not impossible that all these would come but there is nothing you can do to change them if you allow them to overwhelm you. What makes anxiety unpleasant is that it makes you suffer some health issues such as insomnia, loss of appetite, under-eating and others too numerous to mention. Why become a victim of these when there is a way out?

However, the major precursor of anxiety, worry and depression is fear. Yes, fear! That imagination in your heart that makes you afraid, hopeless of what tomorrow would bring concerning that situation.


The major precursor of anxiety, worry and depression is fear

When you begin to nurse the thoughts of remaining unmarried or marrying late, being embarrassed due to your inability to pay your rent, having to beg for what to eat or wear and all of that, your life will be filled with anxiety.

Do you know that the best way to overcome anxiety in life is to live one day at a time? Do not burden your life with too many issues of life. Do not be worried about the future; you only have the power to decide what tomorrow holds by how you live today. More so, being optimistic about life would be of great help. Always be positive about your expectations even when negative things come unexpectedly.

But as Christians, there’re one or two secrets you need to know to overcome anxiety. First, learn to cast your cares upon the Lord because only Him can sustain it for you (Ps. 55:22). How do you achieve this?

Prayerfully tell God about your problems. Don’t just assume He knows what’s going on in your life. He knows but you still have to tell Him. Telling Him makes you depend on His help but if you think you can sustain it yourself, it’ll overwhelm you and you’d be faced with the repercussions.

Next is that don’t worry about tomorrow or those things that you cannot change. Truth be told, you can’t change your situation but you can tell God because He’s able to change it. Rather than worry, seek first His kingdom and righteousness and all those things that you’re concerned with would be added unto you (Matt. 6:33).

Do you believe in God? Do you have faith in Him? Do you trust in His ability to help? If yes, don’t lean on your own understanding when the fear of uncertainty comes. And if no, I’d rather encourage you to do so. Don’t be a victim of hypertension, suicide or depression that comes from anxiety. Trust in God with all your heart. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He’ll direct you besides the still water and to where the grass is green.