Dr. D.K. Olukoya

General Overseer – MFM Ministries Worldwide

Date: 14th Apr. 2018

Venue: Unilag Sports Centre

Programme: The Great Deliverance Crusade

Text: Romans 11:33, 1 Timothy 3:16.

I stand before you tonight to declare, “You and I serve a limitless God.” When we say limitless, we mean an endless, an infinite, an inexhaustible, a boundless, an immeasurable and an abundant God. We mean a great, an everlasting, a constant and an unfailing God.

“I prophesy to the life of somebody here, that beginning from after this crusade; where they say you will never reach, you will get there by fire in the name of Jesus. After this crusade, what took others twenty years to achieve, you will achieve it in two months in the name of Jesus. The Almighty shall use you to rewrite your family history and every shame shall be removed from your feet in the name of Jesus. And those that are standing by to mock you; your God shall arise and disgrace them in the name of Jesus.”

The major reason for most of our suffering is that the God most of us claim to believe is a lot smaller than the God of the Bible. If I ask you how big your God is, and you say God is like a microphone; that is how God will manifest in your life. If I ask how big is your God and you say, Ah! The heavens cannot occupy Him; that is how He will manifest in your life. We serve a limitless God, an abundant God, an inexhaustible, an awesome God. So if you believe He is too small maybe you need to think about the God whom we serve.

God has decreed that He will take the poor out of the dunghill and set him up with princes. I want you to connect to that God tonight so that your life will be a testimony. Your life will become a wonder and when your life becomes a wonder, people will open their mouth and wonder whether you are the same person or you are different.

“I prophesy upon your life that by the time you leave this crusade, those who saw you coming here; by the time you leave they will say no, this person has changed. He’s another man, another woman in the name of Jesus! Let your Amen be loud and clear!”

A limitless God. Some years back, many years ago, when we were very small, a time Mountain of Fire just started; a woman in this church was very sick and she had been on that sick bed for thirteen weeks. She had developed bed sores at the hospital and they kept her in the wing of the hospital were they had given up on people. They kept her in the wing where people die one by one. So I drove my fanciful bus to the place. I looked through the window and saw that she was just lying flat there and most of the people in the ward were like that. I tried to enter but there was a man at the door who said, “No, no! Where do you think you are going? This is not a visiting time. Visiting time is four o’clock.” I got there eleven o’clock in the morning. He said, “No, you can’t see her till four o’clock.”

Looking at the woman I knew she would not last till four o’clock. “What should I do now?” And the man said I could not enter. I went to a corner and prayed “Father, remove this man from the door so I can enter.” I was still standing there when I heard him calling his colleague saying, “Richard! Richard! I want to go to the toilet, just keep an eye on the door.” That was the opportunity I needed. Immediately he left, I walked in and went straight to the bed of this woman. She didn’t recognise me; she didn’t know who came in so I sat down by the bed and I started to pray. It was not a gentleman’s prayer because when you confront the spirit of death, you don’t pray gentle prayers.

Remember Jesus at the tomb of Lazarus. He prayed to His Father, “Father, I thank you for hearing me and I thank you Lord.” He prayed to His Father quietly and gently but by the time He turned to the grave, by the time He turned to the spirit of death, the Bible says, “He cried in a loud voice, Lazarus! Come forth.” Thank God He said Lazarus come forth because if He had only said “Come forth”, there would be a revival in that cemetery. Everybody would just jump out of the grave because, He that was talking is the resurrection and the life.

So as I was praying loud; after five minutes of prayer, the woman that lay on the bed whimpered, “Amen, Amen, Amen.” As the Amen was getting louder, she was standing up; she has not done that for thirteen weeks. Then she now stood and sat beside me and was saying Amen. Meanwhile my eyes were closed, I was still praying; I did not know all the other patients were watching us. As they saw her on that bed, they too began to say Amen. As I was praying from my bed, I was hearing all over the ward, “Amen, Amen, Amen.” This surprising thing where God should be feared was that as they were saying Amen, they were all standing up and all of a sudden, the man at the gate came back.

“Ha, ha! How, did you enter this place, get out!” he said. I responded, “Thank you very much Sir,” and I went out. The patients were surprised and were glorifying God. But what they did not know that day was that I was more surprised; because here I was praying for just one person and the Lord took that prayer and began to spread it out.

“I pray for you, that your testimony will give rise to other testimonies in the name of Jesus.”

That is the power of the limitless God.

Next  ⇒  The Unlimited God – Part 2