
Pastor Kayode Balogun is Head of the Covenant Partners at the MFM Headquarters Youth Church in Lagos, Nigeria. Covenant Partners is made up of professionals from diverse works of life with expertise in various businesses and industries. The group seeks to add value to young entrepreneurs and young business owners. Through its activities, the lives of many youths have been influenced positively. The group organised the first ever Entrepreneurship and Wealth Creation Sunday in 2017 and since then, other editions have been held.

After the Entrepreneurship Sunday held in March this year, our correspondents had an extensive chat with Pastor Kayode. He spoke about his experiences as a pastor, his life’s events, the activities of the Covenant Partners and much more.

Have a good read!

Sir, please introduce yourself.

By the grace of God, my name is Kayode Balogun. I am the Pastor-in-charge of Covenant Partners. At the same time we oversee the Entrepreneurship Forum which is the business arm of the church.

How long have you been in the MFM Headquarters Youth Church?

It is barely a year since I came into the Youth Church. I came in last year October.

So previously, you had been attending the adult church?

No, I was anchoring the youth arm of one of the MFM Regions at Region 30, Shomolu Region and that was as far back as 2005. I have been a Youth Pastor as far back as 2005 at the regional level.


Pastor Kayode (centre) at the First Youth Church Entrepreneurship Sunday held in 2017

Why did you choose to come down to the Headquarters Youth Church?

It was a Macedonian call. There was a call to take up this role, which I have just said earlier on, to drive the business arm of the church. That is, the Covenant Partners and also the Entrepreneurship Forum. So, it was a Macedonian call and I had to come down to do that here. That is the reason why I am here, and that is what I am doing.

How has the journey been so far?

I would not say it is easy, but it is easy because the grace of God is there to help do what I am doing. It is quite demanding but the grace of God is sufficient as the scripture says.

Can you share your personal experiences with us? Personal experiences since you joined the Youth Church.

God has been amazingly glorious by teaching my hands to war and my fingers to fight. I have had monumental experiences in the place of worship and service. There were things that looked impossible before now but coming to the Youth Church has given me breakthroughs in those areas and I am grateful for the leading. God is awesome.

Where do you see the Youth Church in the next five years?

Yes, in the next five years because God is not static, I see us making more impact, touching more lives and turning destinies around for Christ. I can see in the pipeline what God is going to do and even what He is doing. I think in the next five years what God is going to do will be very amazing, very wonderful, yes.

Sir, are you a full-time Pastor?

No, I am not a full-time Pastor. I currently work.


Writers Club correspondent, Sis Remi in a chat with Pastor Kayode

How are you able to balance work, ministry and family? How are you able to balance everything?

It is the grace of God. It is because we know very well that serving God is not just a part-time thing. It is a relationship with God; a life relationship with Him. In the midst of that service to God, in the family and at the workplace, I believe firmly I am positioned to be God’s ambassador. Hence, I reflect that in all my undertakings.

How would you compare the growth of Covenant Partners since you came to this present moment?

From the time I came till now, I think we have grown in leaps and bounds. We had our first programme. In fact, the Youth Church had the Inaugural edition of the business section of the church last year for the very first time. In March this year, we had another edition. It has been the grace of God. We have grown and bonded together as a team, taking up projects and achieving it and we have grown in terms of influencing lives and turning things around, making very good impact in the church and creating awareness. I think it is God that is involved. We have been growing.


Pastor Kayode (centre) with participants at a Farming Investment and Empowerment Training held at Xtralarge Farms, Sango-Ota.

Sir, you just published a book. Please tell us about it.

Actually, the book is about to be published. The title of the book is “Destiny Helpers.” Destiny Helpers in the sense that I am from a very humble family. My life would not have been what it is today if not for the people that God has put strategically on my path to contribute immensely so I can be where I am today. By the Spirit of God, I felt I should write a book to be able to express that, and for other people to know that God brings people our way in our journey of life. What we need to do is to recognise those people and harness them, and use them sufficiently as life ladders to be able to grow. I have been able to grow in career and ministry because of people that God has put in my way along the journey and that is the reason for the book.

… to be continued