As humans, sexuality is a significant element of our make-up. Unfortunately, it has done more harm than good to humanity and the society at large. Whenever I ponder on this subject, I am compelled to wonder if SEX is a SIN. Thankfully, the sincere answer is NO. God did not design sex to cause a problem. The problem originated from the devil. God originally created sex for procreation, as noted from the blessing to be fruitful and multiply given to Adam and Eve. Sex only becomes sin when you engage in it contrary to God’s laws. For instance fornication, adultery, masturbation, sex toys, lesbianism, homosexuality, robotic partners, bestiality, bisexuality, incest or commercial sex. If you engage in any of the above, you are engaging in sin and it opens up your destiny to demonic attacks. These may be in the form of diseases, infections and spirit spouses (incubi and succubi).

It is unlawful to have sex except you are married and only with your legal spouse. Else, it can destroy your body, soul and spirit and eventually destroy destiny. At the end of the day it leads to physical death, spiritual death and eternal damnation in hell fire (1 Corinthians 6:12). Sex is more than a mere physical thing; it is spiritual and sacred. David almost lost his kingdom because of few minutes of pleasure with another man’s wife – Bathsheba (2 Sam. 12:1-14). Solomon eventually lost his father’s kingdom through sexual intercourse with strange women (1 Kings 11:1-10). Joseph would not have become a prime minister in a foreign land if he had yielded to sexual relations with Potiphar’s wife. The woman that was caught in the act of adultery would have been stoned to death but for the mercy and wisdom of Jesus. Today, many of us are not suffering because of the attacks of witches or wizards. Our afflictions are traceable to our ungodly sexual lifestyle.

An ungodly lifestyle will flood your life with a lot of unexplainable problems. I therefore urge you to reverence God with your body because it is the temple of His Spirit. It must be presented holy and acceptable unto Him.

Oluwafemi Bamiduro

Assembly Pastor