We must have heard of people saying on many occasions that experience is the best teacher. Not in all cases, because that means you need to die to experience what happened when people die or you want to experience pain so you decide to hit your own head with a sledge hammer. It won’t make any sense. Supernatural experience simply means an out of the ordinary experience or divine engagement with God, a life transforming encounter. I will make reference to the story of Jacob in the Bible (Gen. 32:24-30). Jacob wrestled with an angel and this led to a change of Destiny. Moses encountered GOD in the burning bush and this led to liberation of the Israelites from bondage (Ex. 3:1-15). Prophet Isaiah did not have a good message from Heaven even as a prophet until he had that great encounter of purging tongue after the death of King Uzziah (Isa. 6:1).

If you come in contact with God or you have an encounter with Him genuinely, your life will change. Jacob tarried all night and was not ready to let the angel go. A lot of us today are too much in a hurry whenever we are in the presence of God. We are too conscious of time and distracted by the other things we have to do so we don’t have an encounter with God. One genuine encounter with God will change your life forever.

  • Are you confused and you need direction?
  • Are the powers of your foundation pursuing you?
  • You need an encounter.

But you cannot have this encounter or enjoy this great benefit of God if you aren’t saved. You must be saved from the grip of sin. Salvation is also an encounter with God. Take for example, Apostle Paul as Brother Saul on his way to Damascus just for persecution until he encountered Jesus (Acts 9:1-22). We must not stop there (Philippians 2:12).  It is in the place of encounter that you receive power and direction. We need to crave for an encounter and be ready to tarry in the presence of God until God visits you. Tarry in the place of prayer; tarry in the place of studying the Bible; tarry in the presence of God amidst God’s people.

Your enemies can encounter the mighty hand of God like in the case of Pharaoh in the book of Exodus. İ will encourage you not to miss any of our 5 Sunday services in this month of July because they are power packed with lots of goodies – FIVE SUNDAYS OF SUPERNATURAL ENCOUNTER AND DIVINE PERFECTION.


Without this heavenly portfolio; you definitely belong to the family of chickens that derive pleasure in eating worms. But with a supernatural experience, you will receive power to SOAR even in stormy weather and experience success in all its ramifications.

Oluwafemi Bamiduro

Assembly Pastor

MFM Int’l HQ Youth Church