Romans 7:24

Negative charges are drives that propel, push or lead people into error, sickness or sometimes total destruction which despite the knowledge of their consequences, their victim remains a captive to its control. These charges are addiction to masturbation, alcoholism, sexual immoralities, drugs, stealing, smoking etc.

These charges make their victim believe they are enjoying life which is the lie of the devil. The kind of people who these charges find expression in are those who are void of the word of God. Those who know Him but fail to acknowledge God and those who don’t have a relationship with Him at all.

Romans 1 vs. 28 talks about those who fail to acknowledge God have been handed over to a reprobate mind. You can be set free if only you allow Jesus into your life, by studying your Bible, being addicted to prayer and having a sound relationship with God. All these will energise your inner man against the influence of negative charges. You can also purchase the following books, SLAVES WHO LOVES THEIR CHAINS and BREAKING BAD HABITS authored by Daddy G.O.

God bless you.

Oluwafemi Bamiduro

Assembly Pastor

MFM Int’l HQ Youth Church