Pastor Lanre Bankole

Date: Sunday, 22nd July 2018

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: Lk. 10:19, 2 Cor. 2:11; Isa. 14:29; Isa. 30:6; Eph. 13:18-20; Rev. 18:11-18; Jdg 16:19.

It is pertinent to know that some demonic levels of superiority can be higher than a Christian’s level of spirituality. While many end-time Christians think more on feeling good, I have to put it to you that there is much more to Christendom than motivational talks; feel-good messages and the likes.

It is precarious to centre biblical doctrines on soul-lifting sermons alone. The Bible makes it clear to us that we are in a battle against principalities and powers. Oftentimes, emphasis should be laid on confronting these powers instead of relegating them in light of feel-good messages. This was why Apostle Paul in his letter to the Corinthians gave the admonition that we shouldn’t be ignorant of the devil’s devices lest he takes advantage of us (2 Cor. 2:11). Our christian walk has to be pivoted on spiritual issues – no more, no less.

Beloved, there are demonically orchestrated, abnormal and paranormal occurrences around us and it’s on this evidence that I would be exposing one of Satan’s strongest arms, ASTRAL WITCHCRAFT to you.

The devil is always in the business of manipulating God’s design. Unfortunately, one of the ways he’s done this is through the scheme of astral witchcraft. The astral witchcraft scheme is the devil’s perversion of the divinely orchestrated trance phenomenon.

Facts about astral witchcraft

Common facts about astral witchcraft are:

  1. It is the strongest arm of the devil that controls magic, sorcery etc;
  2. It is the department of the devil that is in charge of soul-trading (Ezek. 13: 8-20; Rev. 18:11-13);
  3. It is the satanic department that controls false doctrine and pseudo-christian movements. (1 Tim. 4:1);
  4. They control sleep paralysis (Jdg. 6:19).
  5. The astral realm permeates the whole universe except the throne of God (Rev. 16: 13)

Signs of astral witchcraft attacks

Some signs of the operation of astral witchcraft in a person’s life include:

  1. Sleep paralysis;
  2. Frequent and sustained dream attacks;
  3. Deep depression;
  4. Auditory hallucination;
  5. Visual hallucination;
  6. Physical perception of unidentified evil presence;
  7. Cognitive disorder;
  8. Constant sexual assault in the dream;
  9. Drug addiction;
  10. Psychic vampire attack.