Dr. D.K. Olukoya

General Overseer – MFM Worldwide

Date: Sunday, 12th of August 2018.

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church.

Programme: Youth Connect 2018.

Text: Ps 109:7; Ps 80:4; Ps. 35:13; Prov. 28:9.

Previously ⇒ When prayer becomes sin – Part 1

I had a friend many years back, an old woman, she was twice my age. She was my friend because she was a very good prophetess. Just at the front of her house, there was this hospital that always ran to her for prayers when scientific knowledge failed the doctors there.

One day, in my presence, a woman was trying to have a baby and the delivery proved problematic, so the doctors summoned “mama”, since this pregnant woman was on the brink of death. Upon hearing this, a demon spoke from the mouth of the pregnant woman and said, “guys, they have called that woman, let us leave this place before she comes”. I was challenged as this was an old woman who had not even arrived. An attempt was just being made to bring her to the hospital and the demons were already trembling in her absence.

I pray for somebody here, the anointing to terrify your enemies would fall upon your life in the name of Jesus!

Listen Beloved, the power of prayer is the power you need to key into and understand. But then, to the body of the short exhortation I want to share with you. Some occurrences could convert one’s prayers can to sin, and turn prayers into abominations. You may be wondering why heaven isn’t answering the prayers you pray. A situation could happen when prayer becomes sin.

Psa. 109:17 tells us this:

“When he shall be judged, let him be condemned: and let his prayer become sin.”

 Psa. 80:4:

“O LORD God of hosts, how long wilt thou be angry against the prayer of thy people?”

From this scripture, it can be seen that God was not angry because they didn’t pray. He was angry because of the prayer they offered Him.

Prov. 28:9 has this to say:

“He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.”

Prayer can become sinful, it could become an abomination. There are situations when one’s prayers could become sin. It is a fearful fact that not all prayers are accepted in Heaven. Wrong prayers are just as sinful as not praying at all. This is why the Bible tells us about praying amiss. How can someone be praying abortion prayers? You’ve gone to commit fornication. This is an abomination to God. A detailed consideration of our texts (Psa. 109:7, Psa. 80:4, Psa. 35:13, Prov. 28:9) reveals that some situations could arise that could convert one’s prayers to sin.


What are sinful prayers?

These are prayers being:

  1. Prayed with an idol in one’s heart: You’ve already decided in your heart what you want; thereafter you begin to pray. God will answer you only according to the idol you have in your heart;
  2. Prayed as a substitute for obedience to God. You are disobeying God and you are praying instead of repenting from your sins;
  3. Prayed To one’s self. Here, you are simply making a broadcast and in a sense, building a case against yourself;
  4. Hypocritical prayers. These category of prayers are the ones prayed by hypocrites who pray for anointing knowing fully well that a descent of the anointing would land them in trouble.
  5. Excessive talking could also make prayers sinful. This category of people have mouth diarrhea.

  6. Finally, praying from an unclean heart only shortchanges you.

Many years back, I was a speaker in a mission to a Campus and I was ushered into this large auditorium filled with students worshipping God; the atmosphere was electric. It was in this midst of the worship that the microphone was handed to me. Just before I started my sermon, a prophecy came from the back. It went like this, “Thus, sayeth the Lord, my son, my son, before you begin your sermon, you must pray for a fellow in this fellowship who just committed fornication and if you don’t pray for the fellow, he/she would die within seven days.” Since we were taught to respect prophecy, I instructed that everybody should close their eyes and bow their heads. Then, I proceeded by making an altar call specifically for this person. Immediately, the electric atmosphere of the worship in the hall evaporated. All of a sudden, I began hearing sobering sighs from the congregation. Apparently, the best praise leader was the one coming forward. When he got to me, I asked him if he was the person and his response was “Sir, I was forced.” His response shocked me and I was moved to ask him if what he meant was that he was raped since he is a man. What height of hypocrisy! I say this because his countenance and the tone of his response betrayed his attempt at repentance. I suspected immediately that he was telling a lie.


In life, it is good to be focused. Know what you are doing, and face one thing at a time. If you are in the University, you are there to better your lot, graduate with a good certificate, improve your hopes for the future. What is your business with marriage at such a young age. These are the times to focus on your God and your career. Don’t be confused by the enemy, or else you’d get into trouble.