Pastor (Mrs.) Shade Olukoya

Mummy G.O – MFM Worldwide

Date: Sunday, 19th of August 2018.

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church.

Programme: Annual Daughters of Zion Conference 2018.

Text: John 16:7-11; Matt 28:20; Eph. 5:18; Acts 16:16; Act19:17; Luke 16:19; Ps. 81:26; Matt.7:8.

Previously ⇒ The Power of Ignitable Christians – Part 1

Benefits of the Holy Spirit (continued):

6. It enabled the Apostles to fill Jerusalem with their doctrine; they were able to spread the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ around and this is what the Holy Spirit is doing for us today. The Holy Spirit clears the way; He goes before the saints and He takes over and we are able to witness to the world around us whether we like it or not. Even those who brag around and say that they are not Christians, they know that there is a God somewhere; they know that there is Jesus. They understand what the power of God is all about but they pretend not to know; they deny the power thereof.

7. The Holy Spirit enabled the disciples to perform supernatural signs and wonders. What we see happening in the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries today are all evidences of the acts, the strange acts and the strange ways in which the Holy Spirit moves. It is beyond human understanding. As in the time of the Apostles, the Holy Spirit is working in us today; ministering and performing wonders in the name of Jesus Christ. The power of the Holy Ghost is not limited to church leaders alone. We are partakers of this gift of God to manifest in works of wonders and supernatural signs. Hallelujah!

8. The Holy Spirit enabled the disciples to carry the gospel to every creature of their generation and this is what the Holy Spirit is doing today. He is helping us to take the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to every nook and corner of the earth. When we evangelize, we are actually moving in this flow of the Holy Spirit; we are acting it, we are moving by the Holy Spirit’s direction.

9. They preached and led their converts in the path of power. That is what we do when we ask for people to give their lives to Christ; we lead them to Jesus Christ and we pray for them. It takes the power of the Holy Ghost to convict a sinner and to make them forsake their sins and their sinful ways. Acts 8:14-15 explains that further.

10. Christ commands all believers to be filled with the Spirit. So it is the in-filling of the Holy Spirit that makes Christ dwell in us because it is His Spirit. It creates an altar for God in our lives because He is the Spirit of the Father. Let us read together the book of Matthew 28:19. It says:

“Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit:”

You can see the Holy Trinity being mentioned there, and in verse 20:

“Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen”

That is the word of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. If we look at the book of Ephesians 5:18:

“And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;”

So instead of occupying yourself with useless things that won’t get you anywhere, be filled with the Holy Spirit. The in-filling of the Holy Spirit is what will lead to us being a usable vessel for God. It makes us ignitable; it makes us catch fire quickly. The heat of the Holy Spirit takes over and will cause a friction that brings a Holy fire. The in-filling of the Holy Spirit fills us with the power of God, and fills us with the power for service.


11. He teaches us to pray. I am sure you know prayer is important. It is very important for every believer. It is the communication line between us and God. When you get it wrong, there is no communication; when you don’t pray, communication breaks down. So it is the pipeline that must be kept open and flowing always between us and God. So the Holy Spirit teaches us to pray right, because the ministry of prayer is essential to our Christian living. You see, when biblical prayer, the right prayer is combined with faith in action, a powerful spiritual combustion is ignited. Fire will burn to purge, to purify and to judge the wicked. True prayers will break curses and help us to move forward in life. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says:

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

This is all what we do in prayers. The Holy Spirit helps us to be able to pray aright; touching all those areas that God expects before He answers. He says, “Turn from their wicked ways.” It is the work of the Holy Spirit; it is the Holy Spirit that can help anyone to do that. Prayer is an essential tool for anyone who wants to succeed. So, the Holy Spirit helps us to achieve, He teaches us to pray. He helps us to form our words in prayer because He takes us beyond the natural to the supernatural where we are connected with God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

Why is it important to have the Holy Spirit in us? Like I said the Holy Spirit teaches us to pray. We need Him to connect us to God the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ. Prayer is our opportunity to meet with God; we are mortal men but prayer helps us to meet with God, to have a conference with our God, Amen. Romans 8:26 says:

“Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought…”

The Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. You see what the Holy Spirit does for us; we do not know what to say. There are many blabbers when it comes to prayer but the Holy Spirit helps us to pray; meaning there are some prayerless prayers that people pray because they say the wrong words. Meaning their prayers are not spirit-filled. God still answers but you know there are many answers just like one of the songs we attempted at a time. It says, “He answers every prayer, to some He says wait, to others go, to some He says yes, to others no.”  He is still God, so they are all answers; it depends on which one your prayer attracts. That is why it says:

“Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”

We don’t know what to pray. It is the Holy Spirit that intercedes for us, Amen. Prayer is the platform for waging effective war against the kingdom of darkness. Matthew 26:41 says:

“Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation…”

So the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. The Spirit indeed is willing; He will always be willing to help but flesh will always be weak. The flesh will tell you to sleep for five minutes; after all you can wake up later and continue praying. Then they sleep off till they are awoken by the prayer from the nearby mosque. The Spirit keeps our spirit man awake, the inner man.

There was a time I was faced with a huge line of assignments. In between, I got tired as a human. Then I asked for the help of the grace of God and I got the strength to carry on. I think I was working on about twenty-four to thirty book covers and I had the mandate to finish everything within two weeks amongst other things that I had to do. For three nights I was awake. I opened the curtain to see the light of the day, and then closed the curtain at night. The next day, open, close, open, close and I was able to cover so much of that and I was happy. God must have thought in Himself, maybe I have given this girl too much grace. I don’t want her to put me in trouble, she is not sleeping. Then I sat on a chair; I said let me just rest a bit.

God knows if He did not give me a deep sleep I would have carried on working. Then He made me sleep and I slept but my sleep was transparent. I could hear things around me but I rested well. I gathered strength again and He gave me grace to continue. That is the work of the Holy Spirit; it is beyond human understanding and I was not eating for those three days, I forgot to add that. Once I have work before me, l do not feel hunger at all. That is the work of the Holy Spirit; and when all work is done, He makes me become human again. So the Holy Spirit goes beyond the natural, He does supernatural things for us, Amen! He helps us to pray aright, which we actually need and helps us to do things right, Hallelujah!


The Holy Spirit was the fire baptism that the disciples waited for and received in the Upper Room. They were endued with power for service the same way God is willing to do for us today. The baptism of fire is the license needed to witness and minister, to confront the enemies and conquer. Without the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you cannot operate effectively in this mysterious world we are in, Amen!

The book of Acts testifies to the result-yielding ministries of the Apostles who turned the world upside down and set their world ablaze for God after receiving the power of God through His Spirit.

I was in Manchester at a time and it was one of the cold months of the year. That particular year, I was meant to minister there around February which was very cold. I was rushing to go out. Of course I knew what to take first, my Bible and my notes, my message and everything. And then, I forgot my winter coat. I could not go back for it because I would have missed my flight. So I went on. I said, Lord I am not going for myself but for You; it is cold here. I started feeling cold right from the taxi on the way to the airport. As a matter of fact, it was going to be colder at my destination. I said, Lord I am going in your name, You are the one sending me. Holy Spirit go before me. I had been hearing about the heat of the Holy Spirit, it is now my chance to be able to talk about it.

Next ⇒ The Power of Ignitable Christians – Part 3