Pastor Emmanuel Oladimeji

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: 1 Sam 3: 11

Prayer – My father! My father! My father! set my life in order for you.

This is a season of supernatural encounter. Young men and women that are righteous with unwavering zeal, red eyes and that are ready to chew bones are wanted. Take note, there is nothing that commands respect until your life begins to produce result.

This was the mind of God for Israel but the question is, are you available? It is about availability. God will never do anything serious with an unserious soul; because if you are not available God will tell you that you are not usable. It is only those that are available that are usable and durable.

Prayer – May God make you usable and durable in His hands in Jesus name.

There is a generation of young men and women who are couriers and carriers of God’s power. You do not need to be on the pulpit before you manifest. If you are a carrier, you are a courier because you can disseminate. Do not be deceived, it is not about collar or title; it is about mantle. Youths that are prophetic and rugged are urgently needed. Even when Jesus called the twelve in Matthew 3, He did not give them anything but power i.e. power against unclean spirits. As a child of God, you must learn how to pray for the sick; if not you are still a novice in the spiritual realm. Anyone who is stagnant in the spirit begins another process of decaying. When you are stagnant in your prayer life with God, delay is what you call for. And the consequence of this stagnancy is death.

Prayer – I pray that if anyone is on his way to spiritual death, may the mercy of God bring him back to life.

What God reveals to you is that in everything you do, you should mount up with wings as eagles. Take heed that if you do not grow, you will groan. God wants you to mount up in your work with him. There are three kinds of worship, but only one is acceptable to God,

  1. Ignorant worship – Acts 22:17-23.
  2. Vain worship – Matt 15:9.
  3. True worship – John 4:24.

God is a spirit. That is, you cannot be carnal and be connected to God or even worship him in truth. For example, there was a man in America who could interprete tongues. So on one occasion, there was a Nigerian who wanted to test him to see if truly he could interprete tongues. When he saw this white man who could interprete tongues, he began to speak his local dialect which was Yoruba. Then he asked the white man what he was saying. The white man confessed loudly that the Nigerian was not speaking in tongues because if he was; he would have connected to it through the spirit. Then the Nigerian revealed that he was just testing the white man to know if truly he could interprete.

This scenario reveals that it takes a man of the spirit to understand and discern what is of the spirit and what is not of the spirit. You should also be a word addict. Become a prayer addict and a worshipper. It is not the instrument that matters in worshipping God; it is the heart that worships God. Listen, God is crying out for a power generation – men that will heal the sick and pray for the blind.

Prayer – Lord set my life in order for you; use me as a courier of your power