Owoeye Jesuloba Grace

These days, I don’t sleep well at night.

I’m always filled with anxiety.

My food also doesn’t digest well.

People around me complain of my mood swings and temper tantrums.

I’m not really happy.

And I don’t have peace also.

My head is all over the place.

You see,

I want to get married

Tomorrow is my friend, Amara’s engagement.

Amara and I attended the same secondary school and university, and she’s hooked now.

Next Saturday, it’s Sophie’s baby shower.

Sophie is my best friend.

I wanna be happy for her but I’m sad.

And she doesn’t know.

My boyfriend of 3 years won’t propose.

Even though the “amala” I cook for him these days is usually in the form of a ring.

I even bought him a ring once and told him to buy me one too.

And he said “What for?”

That night I cried myself to sleep.

I work over-time.

Above time.

Under time.

Side time.

On time.

In time.

Anything to get me this promotion at work.

My wife complains that I don’t spend any time with her and the kids.

Women… what do they know?

I work 7 days a week.

30 hours in a day.

I have to.

I came out with a better grade than Lanre my “olodo” friend in school, and he has just been promoted at his company and is earning millions a month.

When he told me, I didn’t know I opened my mouth agape in astonishment.

Until he looked at me quizzically and asked,

“Aren’t you happy for me?”

I quickly closed my mouth.

And congratulated him though I wished to the heavens it was me.

I MUST have this promotion o!

Skinny people wish they could add weight.

Fat people wish they could lose weight.

The teenagers can’t wait to grow old.

And the old wish they could go back to being kids.

Single people wanna get married.

And the married ones wish they were single.


Day in, day out

We are all wishing.

“I wish I had eyes like yours”

“I wish I had a husband like yours”

“I wish I had kids like yours”

“I wish I had money like you”

“I’m pretty but my nose is too big”

“I’m rich but I don’t have a husband”

You have never loved yourself for who you are.

You’ve never appreciated the way you were created.

And you’ve never been truly happy.

Your Lust for other things can choke you or abort your destiny. As long as you allow the spirit of covetousness to drive you over the edge, making you believe that everyone else has it going better for them.

Your anthem is,

I wish!

I wish!

I wish!

Robbing you of your peace and happiness.

STOP wanting what other people have.

You don’t know what’s going on in that school, home, marriage, relationship or job.

It is the seduction of the enemy that devalues what you have in your eyes so that you don’t appreciate what God did in your life; and you cancel your blessings by lusting after other things and choking your destiny.

The easiest way to cancel Lust for Other Things and get back your peace and happiness is by Gratitude.

Gratitude will liberate you.

Be grateful today.

For your brain.

Your age.

Your stage.

Your family.

Your nose.

Your backside.

Your feet.

For everything.

Have a lovely weekend guys.