Rotimi Adekunle (Ara)

They said it’s only a dream that can never come to pass,

They said I should leave it in the past,

But they don’t know,

How I feel in my heart.

It’s an ambition I’m willing to pursue,

It’s a mission I’m willing to run for,

It’s a destination I must get to,

It’s a goal I must reach.

There are days I doubt if I could make it.

There are days I doubt if it would be.

There are days I verbalize my doubt, and in confusion, I say “I give up.”

But as a fighter, I’ve discovered that giving up is not in the nature of my job.

Even if the whole of creation is against it,

Even if family and friends oppose it,

Even if you disregard it,

My passion for you is beyond that of a kid.

My dearest, though my feet hurt, I still won’t stop.

My desire, though my heart aches, I still won’t stop.

My wish, though the odds are exceedingly great,

I still won’t stop till I get to you.

You, my dearest, are my desire, my wish, my ambition, my mission, my destination.

If this were to be an equation, I would be “Y” and you’d be “X” – the unknown.

I wouldn’t even try elimination or substitution, I would just complete the square.

Because that’s the only way my heart would be made whole, without my eyes dropping a tear.

So, I won’t relent, ’cause hope that is seen is not hope,

For what a man hath, why doth he yet hope for?

I won’t halt, no matter the hurts, I’ll keep giving it my best shots,

Till eventually I have you; MY FUTURE.