Fulani Bukola Esther

Many years ago, in a faraway land, there lived a man named Ado. He was a very funny looking person who had a face that seemed like he was smiling. When passing by Ado, one would think he was making a face, but in reality, he was the least bit concerned about anything. Ado was a very generous man. He gave as if his life depended on it.

One day, he saw a lost cat mewing sadly around where he lived. He felt pity for the cat and being a kind person, he decided to go in search of its owner. However, Ado was to visit the parents of his fiancée, Ala, that same day. Ala’s father was known to be impatient and her mother was a full time house wife who took her husband’s words too seriously and never questioned his judgment, even when she saw his faults.

Ado knew the mess he’d put himself if he decided to help the cat but he still took the risk. He visited every home in his little village in search of the owner but no one seemed to keep pets.

Meanwhile, in Ala’s home, father had become furious and had started ranting and banting asking why Ado wasn’t yet present.

“I don’t want to see that Ado or whatever you call him in this house or else, or else……” Father threatened.

Ala was pained because she loved Ado so much and wanted no one else.

Her father had a precious cat he had inherited from his mother. He always kept it in a cozy little cage that was seldom open.  All hell was let loose when father discovered that his precious little fondling was missing. Everyone and everything became a victim of his sour temper.  He totally forgot about Ado and set up a little search party for the cat.

Ado had never been to Ala’s house.  He only had a rough description of the place. After a futile search for the cat’s home, he decided to resume the visit to his in-laws’ with the cat still with him. After what seemed like ages, he arrived at a large building on the outskirts of the town. He decided to try his luck one last time before resolving to keep the cat.  As he was about to knock on the gate, an angry looking man and someone who seemed to be his son rushed out. They looked both worried and confused, obviously in search of something.

On sighting Ado and the cat, the man burst into a flood of emotions. He was jumping, dancing laughing and for a moment, Ado thought he saw him break a tear. The son ran back inside the house beckoning loudly for everyone to come and see.  Ado simply stood there confused by all the drama unfolding around him. More to his surprise, the man invited him to come inside for some refreshments. Ado refused politely, saying he had to rush somewhere and that he was awfully late. He was still in the middle of the conversation when the gate flung open to reveal the boy who ran inside and a rather round woman struggling to tie her wrapper firmly around her robust waist running after him.  Ado couldn’t make head or tail of the situation around him. He simply wanted to be on his way to his in-laws’. He was about leaving when the gate opened to reveal Ala. She had been curious to know what all the excitement and noise was about.

They both stood transfixed to the spot. Father, mother and son exchanged confusing glances at one another as to why Ala was looking as if she had seen a ghost. They were more surprised to see the young man with mouth agape and momentarily lost. With much love, Ala jumped on Ado engulfing him in a warm embrace that her parents feared she might choke the young man.

“Mum, dad, this is Ado” she said grinning from ear to ear.

Instantly, her father called the servants to prepare a larger bouquet than the one they previously had in mind and he graciously accepted Ado into the family.