Dr. D.K Olukoya

Date: Sunday, 3rd February 2019.

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church.

Text: 1 Cor. 3:16-17, 1 Cor. 6:15-20.

Happy New Year to you in Jesus name.

Today, I’d be speaking on the altar of destiny obituary. It is pertinent to know that destiny is a key and crucial matter. Due to this, three entities are interested in it:

  1. God: God is interested in destiny because it’s the sole reason for your creation;
  2. Man: Man wants to find fulfilment and as such, it’s an object of his interest;
  3. The Devil: The Devil too is interested in your destiny because he knows quite well that once he succeeds in diverting you from it, all your noise in church about your superiority over him is just empty breeze. He clearly understands that God cannot bless you in a place that He hasn’t called you to be. For many here, their angels of breakthrough are waiting at a bus stop from which they had already departed.

Facts on Destiny

  1. It is God’s pre-ordained future for you;
  2. It is God’s plan for your life;
  3. It is the purpose for which you were born;
  4. It is your divine blueprint;
  5. It is what is written in the book of heaven concerning your life.

It is for these reasons that you must discover and work on it early in life. One tragedy of life is that it is a disaster to do the right thing at the wrong time. Listen beloved, there can be no success outside one’s divine destiny. Any success one claims to have outside their divine destiny is a journey to bondage from which they might never recover. Once a person is out of destiny, the devil loses interest in them because he knows that person is practically finished.

The Altar of Pre-marital and Non-marital Sex

Two potent and devastatingly dangerous weapons the enemy employs in capturing destinies are:

  1. Sex, and;
  2. Drugs.

However, of the two, the more potent is sex. The enemy seems to have done an outpouring of the spirit of the dog. Categorically speaking, this has become a ‘doggy’ generation. It causes me deep worry and grief especially when I consider the rate at which young people die (physically and destiny-wise). From experiences gathered in the past year, it is with great sadness in my heart, that I lament the horrible scale of destruction outpoured on the youths of today. Sadly, I recently got to hear of the burial of a university student. The ostentatious life of her friends appealed to her and not long after, she was introduced to a sex partner who would prey on her lust for mundane things. To cut a long story short, she died from excessive lactation. Another tragic incident is that of a young man currently awaiting my arrival at the headquarters. This young fellow was literally free as his parents had gone overseas. He brought home a sex partner from a party who unknown to him was a mermaid. He discovered after several rounds that he felt a cold sensation around his leg area. Long story short, he now knows that he is doomed.

The altar of sex is an altar which has created a great level of impurity, caused a great level of pollution, created a future time bomb, shaven the hair of so many a Samson, caused irrecoverable loss of glory and destiny, created the most chronic deliverance cases, initiated hidden infirmities, and spread the seed of polygamy. It has provoked generational evil accusations, caused catastrophe in children, initiated bewitched wombs, attracted curses to the body organs, transformed people to slaves in the spirit realm, and caused plenty of spiritual evil collection.

Beloved, this altar acts to fragment souls, it ensures shining lights are dimmed, it has encouraged family idolatry, turned prophets to parrots, rendered pastors to past tense, turned goldmines to dustbins, reconfigured deliverance to disturbance, converted eagles to chickens and heroes to zeroes. It has rewired young people’s brain to failure, initiated destructive covenants, punctured virtue balloons, placed many young people on death row, initiated many young people into witchcraft. It has empowered stubborn spirit wives and husband, programed destiny impotence and stammering, it has a capacity to provoke divine anger, it has wasted prophets and prophetesses, converted somebodies into nobodies, programmed serpents into so many lives, buried multiple talents, moved people from grace to grass, and de-anointed men of God aggressively.

This altar provokes power failure, empowers the marine world to wreak havoc and finally has published the greatest number of obituaries. Listen Beloved, people of destiny are not sexually loose. Women of destiny, do not pull off their pants at the slightest provocation. Same goes with men of destiny, they never plunge their penis into just any available hole. Listen carefully, there is no free sex. Every sexual act is a spiritual transaction. Pre-marital or non-marital sex exposes one’s life to the attacks of the enemy as it signals to the demons that you’ve crossed into the spirit realm illegally.

Next ⇒ The Altar of Destiny Obituary – Part 2