Previously ⇒ The Altar of Destiny Obituary – Part 1

Dr. D.K Olukoya

Date: Sunday, 3rd February 2019.

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church.

Text: 1 Cor. 3:16-17, 1 Cor. 6:15-20.

One such case that tragically ended in death was the story of a man who slept with his secretary. Unknown to him, the secretary happened to be a marine queen. As instructed by the Holy Ghost that fateful day, a word of prophecy came forth. It was that he should report to my office for prayers after service and that failure to comply would signal his end within seven days. However, since his wife was with him, he tried without success to devise tricks to shake her off. With every attempt of his, she insistently wouldn’t budge. He opted not to come as he wanted to keep it a secret from her. Unfortunately, he died the following Tuesday.

Hear this friends, any act of pre or non-marital sex is highly dangerous. To confirm what you already know so well, during sexual adventures, humans share bodily fluids like water and blood. However, it doesn’t end there. They share some spiritually vital and physically relevant virtues. More so, heritage, destiny, children, success, failure, battle, misfortunes, sicknesses, pains, discomforts, poverty; pretty much everything. But most importantly, demons. I’d let you in on a secret today, know for sure that the greatest mode of demon transfer is sex outside marriage.

I have an advice to the soon-to-be-wedded lovebirds, I urge you not to build your marriage on a faulty foundation. Except on the basis of marriage, all other acts of sexual adventures are illicit. Listen, even if both families signatory to the wedding have a cordial relationship, know for sure that this isn’t a license for you to engage in sexual adventures, only marriage is. Desisting from any such acts only works in your favor.

The Mystery of DNA and Sex

Experimental results from a research conducted by a University in America reveals that if you have sex with a man, his DNA lives in you forever. The result of this research has informed and given immense insight on why God frowns at pre and non-marital sex.  This result proves that when sexual intercourse occurs between a male and a female, there is a deposit of the DNA of the man in the woman. Furthermore, the man who has had more sex with her, leaves more of his DNA in the woman and as such whenever the woman ovulates, the eggs that she produces may contain more of other DNAs. Judging by the results of this experiment, it is hugely advisable that the girl child remains a virgin until marriage. Suffice to say that once a lady has multiple sex partners, it becomes a room of confusion as her cells becomes reconfigured. Little wonder, children from many homes have terrible behavioral problems.

Ladies, listen carefully, whenever you absorb sperm from a man, you absorb a living entity into your life. The living cells enters your bloodstream. This could perhaps be the reason as to why a married couple who have been married for so long a time end up looking alike. Say no to sex outside marriage, say no to pre and extra-marital affairs.

On a conclusive note, the consequences of pre-marital and non-marital sex are devastating, humiliating and horrible. Reuben, David and a host of others landed in deep troubles because of sexual looseness. Of what essence is it if you are plagued by feelings of guilt, self-condemnation, anxiety, doubt, wasted time, testimony damage etc. Don’t acquire a demon of your sexual partners. Flee all forms of sexual perversion.

I urge you beloved to please rise above these limitations. Till next time. Peace.

Prayer Points

  1. Powers saying that I will not go far, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus.
  2. Powers waiting to hear me cry where I expect laughter, before I leave here, die in the name of Jesus.
  3. Powers assigned to waste my destiny, die in the name of Jesus.