Pastor Moses Adebowale

Date: Sunday, 17th February 2019.

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: Prov. 23:23, Prov. 16:9, Deut. 28:1.

Happy new year to you all. I pray for you that today will be a marker in your life in the name of Jesus. Beloved, there are days, but most importantly, there is a certain day. I pray that this day will be that certain day, your destiny awaits in the name of Jesus.

Beloved, ours’, is a lopsided and dysfunctional society. A quick survey of our environment shows that we are greatly plagued by a lack of understanding. Truth is, how else, can one explain a doctor who undoubtedly knows that smoking is bad, but who not only smokes, but persists in it to his own hurt – of a truth, such doctors possess the knowledge, but lack a great deal of understanding. Thanks to this and so many other examples that do not add up, I’ve conclusively come to discover that there are so many professionals with voluminous books, who make a boast of reading. The only problem being that they unfortunately read without understanding and do not realize it.

Friends, it is unfortunate that we find ourselves in a noisy society, the dilemma is this – when young adults engage in such noisiness, their destiny becomes noisy and consequently bereft of substance. As such, it is on this wise, that I’m moved to expose to you the secrets to gaining the assurance of a colorful future in this dysfunctional world. There are four things one needs to buy with the currency of time and effort. Namely, they are:

  1. The truth;
  2. Wisdom;
  3. Instruction and;
  4. Understanding

I suspect that at this stage of your life, you’ve discovered that life is a market square where we buy and sell. I also suspect that you know that the quality of your purchase, depends largely on the amount you have invested in terms of effort and wise choices. Be it known to you then, that there is never an overnight success. Never! Not in this world. Every outcome (be it success or failure), is a function of the process of time.

As a matter of fact, life can be simple or complex. Whichever you get, is a function of what you buy. Listen to me carefully Beloved, there is no mystery in the future. Any future that is not properly planned, will never arrive. If you desire anything great, start now, start in a great way. The sad truth is this, a lot of people are trapped in the tomorrow syndrome. Hear this, no one ever lives in tomorrow. No one ever has and no one will ever do. Thus, it becomes pertinent that you clearly understand this if you desire to position yourself for a glorious future.

This is why it saddens my heart whenever I see young people with a whole stretch of life ahead of them limiting themselves with complaints. Oftentimes, I’ve unsurprisingly found out that these complaints are usually informed by fears stemming from their parents’ woes and narratives. They persistently limit themselves by listening to the “failures” around. They seem not to realize that their tomorrows’, is a product of their deeds of today.

I pray, that the wickedness of this society, will not stop your destiny in the name of Jesus.

Listen carefully, if you don’t want a negative future to impose itself on you, work it out properly. The only way to achieving that future then, is by accepting responsibility.

How to position yourself for your glorious destiny:

To properly prepare and position yourself for your glorious destiny, observe to do the following:

  1. See your future at a glance: In other words, envision your future. You need to have the picture of your future permanently residing in your memory so that you can focus on it properly. Also, believe totally in it, work towards it and behave it. Hear this friends, it only stands you in good stead when you behave your beliefs. Whenever you behave your beliefs, you send a signal to your subconscious and not so long afterwards, you become it. So then, the formula for aspiring achievers is this: Believe your glorious future, behave it, and ultimately, you become it;2.
  2. Acquire all the materials that will expose the whole truth of your goals to you;
  3. Acquire wisdom: I define wisdom as knowing what it requires to get your desire;
  4. Surround yourself with life instructors that would build you in righteousness: Identify those who have succeeded in your chosen field and be humble enough to learn from them. Also, pray and meditate to know the prophetic position of your destiny – strive to know what heaven has written about you. All in all, to properly position yourself for your glorious future, you must prioritize your spiritual life.
  5. Be a cultivator: Cultivators are seed bearers. Cultivate your life to maturity. Produce good fruits. Develop a lifestyle that ensures that you do not kill the opportunities that come your way.

Finally, desist from wrong habits and attitudes. Refuse to be fearful, live life happily, speak big and move in a company of achievers.
See you at the top. Till next time, Peace.

Prayer Points:

  1. O Lord my Father, begin a new thing in my life now in the name of Jesus.
  2. Blessed Holy Spirit help me in the name of Jesus.
  3. Powers that want me to suffer like my parents, you are a liar die in the name of Jesus.
  4. O Lord my Father, satisfy me early, I want to start in time in the name of Jesus.
  5. O Lord my Father, let my destiny be established in your righteousness.
  6. O Lord my Father, position my destiny for greatness in the name of Jesus.
  7. Powers contending with my colorful destiny to limit me, die in the name of Jesus.
  8. Environmental limiting powers, I am not your candidate, stop following me in the name of Jesus.
  9. Thou curse of thou shall not excel in my parent’s house release me and die in the name of Jesus.