Pastor Kehinde Adegbolahan

Date: Sunday, 7th April 2019.

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: 2 Tim. 3:13, Psa. 24:7

I’d introduce this sermon by bringing to fore, the stark reality that stares us in the face and it is that: wickedness, deep wickedness is on the increase in our generation (2 Tim. 3:13).

Also to properly prepare your mind, I’d expose to you the proportions in which these things exist with one such story. Many years back, I recall being on a ‘molue’ bus heading to Alagomeji with some other passengers and in particular, a woman with a baby on her back. It so occurred that this baby cried so much and refused all the attempts of his mother to pacify him. This endured as our journey progressed till a man who sold herbs made his entrance into the bus. We all looked at the man with amazement when all of a sudden, he shouted the words “you that woman sitting on the head of that boy, stand up! before I disgrace you”. On hearing this, there and then I decided that I must see the end of the drama that was already building up inside the bus as I delayed alighting. Not long after, a fat woman who sat at the back screamed as she bled from her mouth and nose and as if on cue, began confessing. Now the question is this: Isn’t this wickedness in its highest form?

There’re people listening now that in all honesty, the sole reason for their sufferings, struggles and unrest is because someone somewhere sits on their glorious destiny. They have fantastic dreams coupled with powerful planning and good vision, yet no result to show.

I pray for you that any power that is sitting upon your glorious destiny, shall be wasted in the name of Jesus.

Facts on Wicked Barriers:
1. No wicked barrier, leaves of its own accord. In Psa. 24, the doors and gates there, symbolize wicked barriers that wouldn’t budge till they were addressed aggressively;
2. Anyone who will deal with wicked barriers must be strong and battle-equipped. To be weak and to be a novice is to be disgraced before wicked barriers. Be strong friend (Eph. 6:4);
3. When you confront barriers, they will bow to your authority.

What is a Barrier?
1. It is an obstruction to clear sight. (Friend, hear this, eyes that look are common, eyes that see are rare);
2. It is something that puts a limit upon your life;
3. It is anything that hinders you from reaching your goal and restricts your movement;
4. A barrier is a block;
5. A barrier is anything that pulls you away from where you should be.

Listen Beloved, no one gets to their promised land without breaking barriers. Good news is within Christ, you’re empowered to break the barriers restricting your movement (Lk. 10:19). The call to Christianity is a call to power and only a sober realization of your need for Jesus is all that’s needed to acquire this power.

Forms of Barrier:
Barriers come in various forms. It could be:
1. Physical or spiritual;
2. Visible or invisible;
3. One’s attitude. (A good instance was Gehazi’s covetousness that proved to be an insurmountable barrier for him);
4. A barrier could be a word spoken against you.

I pray for you (brothers in particular) that any curse fighting your manifestation shall be broken in the name of Jesus. I pray once more for you that every wicked barrier that has been stationed on your way to the Promised Land, shall expire in the name of Jesus.

Why does the enemy fight with wicked barriers?
He does this:
1. To bring shame and disgrace;
2. To introduce diversion;
3. To afflict and torment a person;
4. To cause one to expire;
5. To cause one to lose their taste (This symbolizes the disappearance of an individual’s spiritual power);
6. To waste one’s life.

On a conclusive note, I noticed that at some point in my life situations took a turn for the worse. While I remained a pastor, I prayed and people got their miracles but I didn’t receive any testimony package myself. I took an honest look at my life and decided things needed to change. After fasting and praying for days, I got my miracle. It so happened that a dark-looking angry being with an exact replica of my features walked out of my body, stared at me for some minutes and finally waved good bye. Beloved, since then, I’ve never struggled too hard for things before getting results.

I pray for you, your story will change. Bye for now. Happy new month.

Prayer Points:
1.My Father empower me to move ahead in the name of Jesus.
2.Wicked barriers in my foundation die in the name of Jesus.3. Any evil animal hiding inside my body, catch fire in the name of Jesus.
4.Limitations of darkness upon my life break in the name of Jesus.
5. The idol of my father’s house holding me down release me now in the name of Jesus.
6. Barriers older than my age, what are you waiting for die in the name of Jesus.
7. Wasters of divine virtues what are you waiting for die in the name of Jesus.