Ministering: Dr D.K Olukoya

Date: Sunday, 8th December, 2019

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: Heb 4:12; Luke 1

vs 12: For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

This area is where the enemy has cheated a lot of believers

The Word of God is

• Quick

• Powerful

• Sharper

• Piercing, separating difficult things whether physical or spiritual.

If there is one area where every member of MFM needs to grow really strong, it is in the area of the word of God, scripture, know your bible, have a deep knowledge of the word of God.

Many can call prayer points, sing songs and dance but now there is an epidemic of the poverty of the word of God among christians. Prayers are powerless when there is no word of God in it. Once you don’t have the word of God in you, it is a serious problem indeed. You cheat yourself when you avoid Sunday school, bible study and when your only interest is miracles and breakthrough. No interest in the word of God

General regulation to MFM worldwide, beginning from January, every Sunday message must be BHHH (Brokenness, Holiness, Heaven, Hell). Deliverance message would be mid week. Any pastor that refuses to conform would face the headquarters. It means that they are scared to preach such messages.

The Christians we have now is due to the kind of messages we get. Prosperity and motivation. They never become disciples of Jesus but of money. Luke 3:1

For 30 years,the preparation of John the Baptist was on. The word of God that would change his destiny and position him for the purpose for which he was born came and a lot of things changed, directions changed.

Prayer point

The word that came to John the Baptist will come to you in the name of Jesus

When MFM started, people came to church from Cotonou. Same as when John the Baptist started, people came to look for him in the wilderness.

One of the greatest power God gave to man is the Word. There is power in the Word. It is the words of the teacher that turns a man into a doctor. God speaks, man speaks but man has said many things that never came to pass.

We all need to go back to that song in Sunday school

🎵Read you bible pray everyday, you will grow grow grow🎵

🎵Don’t read your bible, forget to pray you will shrink🎵

But I would say 🎵… you will die🎵because if you leave your house without the Bible, you’re heading for serious trouble. If you’ve been born again for 5 years, you should be able to recite 365 verses from your heart or at least 52, one per week. You can’t fight the enemy with John 3:16.

The word of God in Jer 23:29 says;

vs 29: Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?

You’re not doing yourself any favor if you can’t say “it is written”. Begin to memorize the word of God, understand what the Bible is saying, make it a top priority in your life.

Believers have faced trouble, spirits and terrible manifestation in dreams and real life but the level of the word is low, they can’t counter it.

The people of the devil spend weeks reading incantations. Our own “incantation” is the word of God. How much of it do you know? Prayer is good but when it is backed up by the word of God, it is very effective.

Benefits of the word of God

• It injects motivation.

• Brings hope.

• Faith is a killer of fear, the Word of God brings faith.

• Channel of power.

• Communicator of peace. Every situation you face, take the word of God and begin to memorize them.

• Makes you wiser than your age. If you’re a student gather the wisdom scriptures and memorize them.

• Answers to prayers

• Victory over sin

• Spirit filled

• Purpose

• Spiritual growth

• Maturity

• Fruits

• Power to redirect your destiny

• Creats power for revival.

• Keeps us away from backsliding

• Explanation to the origin of the world and what we are doing here.

The Lord said begin a process now that would make you a carrier of the word of God. Bible memorization is vital.

The word of God would be the foundation of anything God does. John 1: 1

Beloveds, be like our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ that was full of the scriptures. If Jesus can have scriptures in his head, how about us? Major religions in the world are emphasizing the memorization of their holy books. This kind of dedicated memorization has resulted in the radical faith they are exercising now.

First step to take if you want revival of the word of God in your life

• Make up your mind to memorize at least one scripture a day. Rehearse them everywhere you go, when you combine it with your prayers, you will be amazed at whatGod will do in your life.

Prayer Points

Powers to connect to the word of God fall upon me now in the name of Jesus

Word of the living God envelope my life in the name of Jesus

Powers assigned to disgrace the works of my hands, die in the name of Jesus

Powers, that have vowed that I will not see the top, die in the name of Jesus

Powers, that have vowed that I will never be great, die in the name of Jesus