Pastor Emmanuel Oladimeji

Date: Sunday, 29th December, 2019

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: Prov 16:25

Vs 25: There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death

Points to note on divine direction;

1. Every step you take now will either take you forward or backward even in the remaining days in this year.

2. One of the greatest mishap that can happen to a man is for you to lack idea of where you are going. If you don’t have an idea then success is not guaranteed. If you don’t have a vision for 2020 then it is a disaster.

3. Many have rushed into certain open doors only to discover that they were traps in disguise. In 2020 many doors will open but allow God direct you.

4. No man’s effort can match God’s direction.

5. Many have been deceived by the glitter of certain opportunities and come to realize at the end that it is not all that glitter that is gold.

6. Your thoughts are not HIS thoughts.

7. You are limited as a human being without divine direction.

8. Everything may seem right and may appear satisfactory to the human eye but at the end of it is frustration, stagnation and untimely death if God is not involved therefore as we step into 2020 we need God’s direction.

If you are not an organized person, forget excellence and effectiveness. You must be organized and receptive. For God to take you serious, you must be serious with your life. The world would only identify with relevant people. There is a difference between prophetic declaration and a personal revelation to run with throughout the year. You need divine direction because when you have direction you don’t follow the crowd, you follow the cloud.

Basic rules to obey if God will lead and guide you for 2020

1. Law of vision

2. Law of joy and excitement

3. Law of utterances Prov 18:21

4. Law of discipline

5. Law of spirituality

6. Law of sensitivity to the Holy Ghost

7. Law of love of God and brethren

8. Law of sacrifice

9. Law of service

10. Law of belief (believe God)

11. Law of dedication and commitment

12. Law of right living Ps 25:21

13. Law of wisdom

14. Law of the fear of God

15. Law of prophetic and pastoral covering

16. Law of the secret place Ps. 91:1 here you’d get the blue print for the year 2020. Manual to run for the year because he is your manufacturer Jer 1:5

17. Law of hardwork – Do not be lazy. No food for a lazy man in 2020.

18. Law of contentment. Wait for your time and appreciate what God has given to you. Don’t covet.

19. Law of correct association – anyone that does not add value to your life will subtract from your life.

20. Law of imagination – Eph 3:20

Vs 20: Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us


Prayer point

Schedule 2 – 3 hours, Withdraw to your secret place and pray these prayer points

Lord, show me the picture of 2020 for my life. What is your plan and purpose for me for 2020.

Lord, I need direction for 2020. I need to know what each month of the year 2020 holds for me. I need to know your mindset for me.

I don’t want to miss my way or my resources in 2020.

While at it, ensure you have a Jotter and pen.

Be patient.

After prayers be quiet.

He might come through either as a thought, whisper, dream or the picture.