Foluke dropped her phone. She had watched her roommate over the past fifteen minutes. Occasionally she directed her attention to her Whatsapp chats before returning her gaze to Ruth Haruna whose head was bent over the reading table. 

The phone beeped, her twin Folake had probably updated her on the juicy developments at home. As much as Foluke was curious to know the drama that had ensued between her father and elder brother, Ruth’s posture got her enthralled instead. 

Foluke had questions. Lots of them. She had no idea how Ruth managed to be consistent and diligent at this. Whenever Foluke tried, she struggled to keep up. Many times she ended up dozing only to wake up later in regret. Other times, the letters would only dance confusingly in her head as she read. She admitted that it was fun atimes but only when there was a captivating story attached. 


Ruth Haruna turned to face her roommate. Her brows were raisedand popped out of her brownframed glasses, her mind curious as to what the matter was. 

I’m sorry for disturbing but I need your help. There was concern in Foluke’s voice and it seemed to relax Ruth a bit. 

Are you okay?” Ruth asked. 

“I am. How do you do it though? How do you read and study like it’s a novel? Foluke stood from her seat and walked towards Ruth. She picked up the light paperback Bible Ruth had been reading.

“I mean, I try to read my Bible but it’s really tough. I’ve watched you read it diligently, it seems you enjoy it. You quote scriptureswith ease, and I see the beautiful life you lead too.

“I just want to be like that. I want to be able to read my Bible and enjoy it. I’m tired of dozing off while reading. Foluke concluded her rant with a shrug. 

Ruth smiled. She had once struggled to study God‘s word in the past. However, things changed when she began to fellowship more with the Holy Spirit. It was a lubricant that aided her study life and made it more efficient and enjoyable. The devotionals she used werealso of great help to her. They were three different short devotionals and she made it a point of duty to study them at specified times of the day. Her phone had also been useful as she used a Bible application that allowed her compare various simplified versions. It took her some time but it made her studying clearer and more fun. She also prayed before she began to read and she took notes as she read. She had also made it a point of duty not to miss Sunday school in church. She followed seasoned ministers and learnt from them onand off the internet. It had been a beautiful turn and she was ecstatic to share it all with Foluke. She knew she wasn’t where she aimed yet but she was certain she was no more the babe she once was. 

Still smiling, Ruth spoke, “Please sit. Foluke, I totally get you. Believe me and even though I can’t categorically say I know it all, I do know someone who does. And I can give you tips that havehelped me so far“.

Foluke gave a sigh. I’m all ears then“.

“The Holy Spirit is our teacher and companion“. Ruth continued, “He can help and He is so interested in helping us. He just needs usto be devoted to it too. Chill, let me give you some tips that have helped me“.

Ruth playfully nudged Foluke and went on to share the strategies she had employed in growing her study life over the past months. It had been a beautiful period of growth for her and she wasn’t ready to hoard such information from other believers. 

 Stephanie Ugbor.