Pastor Emmanuel Oladimeji 

Date: Sunday, 1st March, 2020

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: Num 13:33; Ps 78:41

“Vs 41: Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.”

In the month of March, Don’t limit God. It is true that you have done series of deliverance and prayers but this month of March, Don’t Limit God.

God has spoken and you’ve received promises but you begin to ask yourself ‘Why haven’t the things come?’ Wait, but don’t limit God.

If the devil wants to limit the plan of God in your life, God will frustrate it in Jesus name

Every good thing your heart desires, you have dreamt about, your heart conceived, no power will stop it in the Jesus name.

Many of the Israelites couldn’t enter into the promise land because they saw themselves as grasshoppers.

Imagine that things are working for you, imagine that those who hate you, begin to favor you. This month you will not beg or be stranded. Imagine yourself successful this month, imagine you are coming out with first class.

This month, God is paying your debt, this month your trekking will expire, that visa interview you are going for, you are returning with testimony. This month your stagnation is coming to an end. God is giving you a new car, you are not a failure, that thing they told you is impossible, you will achieve it. Even if your siblings find it difficult, it will not be difficult for you. This month of March those that you never expected, will help you. God is using hostile authority to lift you up. Just imagine that those abandoned projects that this month God will give the projects speed in Jesus name. Tangible breakthroughs bigger than your age and qualification, God will give to you now. The negative trademark that people have put over you, God is removing it in Jesus name. Where there seems to be no way for your family, God is making a way in Jesus name.

The instruction to all of us is, Don’t limit God. Jer 29:11

“Vs 11: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

It is not the plan of suicide, not the plan for you to suffer.

Say this:

I am Great, I am born, I will become great and will remain great.

A lot of us hinder God in our lives, limiting Him to perform in our lives making us think that God hates us.

In whichever way we have contributed to the problems going on in our lives, God will have mercy on us in Jesus name.

Things that limit God in our Lives.

1.Unbelief – It is true that we pray but do you believe that God will answer the prayer. It is one thing to pray and another thing to be expectant.

Your expectations will not be cut off in Jesus name.

2.Wrong association – Wrong association has the capacity to abort your great destiny.

3.Procrastination – ‘I will do it tomorrow’ Don’t forget that there isn’t always tomorrow. Don’t forget that no one can waste God’s time. Anytime God tells you to do something and you don’t, God will give it to someone else and you hear yourself saying ‘something told me to do this thing o’

He told you to write a book and you say tomorrow, He will collect it and give the idea to someone and you begin to say ‘I saw this topic o, God told me to write on this topic’

There is a duration for every divine assignment. If you play with it, God will collect it.

4.Fear – False Evidence Appear Real. Who told you you are going to fail? The fact that your mum failed doesn’t mean you will fail. Who told you they will sack you? You are not everyone.

Phil 1:28

“Vs 28: And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God.”

In the midst of fear, develop courage. When they want you to run, stand. When they say there is no way, tell them you are seeing a way. Whatever you are facing or passing through, don’t be terrified. If you are not afraid, you have terrified them.

Say this 7 times

This month of March, I will succeed

Anytime fear knocks, tell faith to open the door. ‘fear not’ appears 365 times in the Bible. There is a capsule for everyday of the year.

5.Discouragement – It doesn’t matter what is going on in your life, as long as you refuse to amplify it, it will not last. Let your confessions conquer what the devil is saying. If you are waiting for people to make you happy, you will never be happy. They will ensure that you are not happy. Be the architect of your laughter. Don’t be discouraged.

6.Negative mindset – It will limit God. Always see good things in every bad thing. Prov 23:7

“Vs 7: For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.”

7.Murmuring and complaining – Israelites grumbled and complained before they got to their promised land. God is not your enemy. If because nothing is happening you dey vex for God. God is working out something for you. For the fact that it is tough, makes it tangible. It will surely come. Good things do not come easily.

Inability to declare God’s favour over your life. God will confirm his word in your life in this month.

For those dining and feasting with the devil. Drinking sin like water, you are limiting God, Sin is a sinker of destiny.

This month of March, God will give your life speed in the right direction in the name of Jesus.

If you are addicted to a particular habit say these prayers.

My maker, my God, I bow my knees before you this day and confess my shortcoming. It is you alone I sin against. Have mercy upon me, Give me victory over this negative habit. I promise today that I will not go back to my vomit in Jesus name

Prayer points

In this month of March, (mention your name) will succeed whether my enemies like it or not, I will make it, I will succeed, I will not fail in Jesus name.

This month of March, by the spirit of the living God I download success in the name of Jesus.