Date: Sunday, 7th February 2021

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Pastor Edwin Etomi

Text: 1 Cor. 3:16-17, 1 Cor. 6:15-20

Happy New Month People of God, and Happy 13th Anniversary to us all.

What a mighty God we serve. Our God is a mighty God and everything about Him is mighty. His name, acts, glory, and majesty – are all mighty. Our God as we all know is “The Almighty”.

Today however, we would consider only an aspect of His might – His Mighty Hand.

Attributes of The Mighty Hand of God

1) His Mighty hands are the hands of wonders (Jer. 32:17).

2) His Mighty hands signify divine approval.

I pray for us all, that the Mighty hands of God shall rest upon our lives in an uncommon dimension, in the name of Jesus.

3) His Mighty hands are the very hands that parted the red sea (Exo. 14:27).

4) His Mighty hands opens doors that no man can shut. (Rev. 3:7).

I pray for us all that the doors that were opened for lamentations, frustrations and disappointments against us last year are sealed by the mighty hands of God in this New Year, in Jesus name.

Time and again, Our God has proved Himself a mystery and it is for this reason that I urge us all to journey through this year led by the mighty hand of God and not ours. Scripture is awash with stories that proves that God is no respecter of circumstances. (Josh. 10:13, Jer. 32:17). Beloved, journey-activate God’s mighty hands this year.

Categories of those who cannot activate The Mighty Hand of God

1) The sinful: (Isa. 59:1-2) Those who commit sin. Sin, in all its shades – Envy, Destructive competitiveness, Pornography, Secret sins etc.

2) The proud: (1 Pet. 5:6) What the proud don’t realize is that in this unpredictable world, they are the ones occupying the driver’s seat of their life, and not God. Little wonder, they get frustrating results and not the God-kind of results.

3) Those not profitably dutiful in God’s house: Those in this category are the self-conscious, the self-important, the self-promoting etc.

4) Those who refuse to cry unto God: This category of people shortchange themselves in activating the covenant of God (Matt. 7:7).

Prayer Points

1) Mighty hand of God, rest upon my life in the name of Jesus.

2) Mighty hand of God, settle me this year in the name of Jesus.