Pastor Gabriel Okwuofu

Date: Sunday 21st of February 2021

Venue: MFM Headquarters, Youth Church

Text: Acts 13:36

“For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption:”
What is Service?
The action of helping or doing work for someone

Service could be channeled in different ways, to people, organisations or nations and these different dimensions have principles that guide the service.

KIngdom Service
Kingdom service entails making use of our God given resources to promote the kingdom. It could be Time, Talent, Money or Strength.

Today’s message will be taken under three sub-topics

  1. Wrong Perspective Concerning Kingdom Service
  2. The Right Mindset for Kingdom Service
  3. Call to Action

Wrong Perspective Concerning Kingdom Service
1. It is for those who are into full-time ministry. Some of the renown bible characters were people in circular quarters e.g. King David and Job
2. Refusing to serve God because of previous unpalatable experience(s). Can you imagine Jesus deciding not to die on the cross because of the hurt humans caused him?
3. Joining a group because of a friend or convenience. Our choice of a group to serve should not be informed by friends or convenience

The Right Mindset for Kingdom Service.
1. See service to God as a privilege. God is not privileged to have us serve Him. Instead, we are privileged to serve Him. 1 Cor. 1:26-27, Heb. 5:4
2. Time waits for nobody. John 9:4, Lamentations 3:27, Ecc. 3:1-8 Maximise the time and season in which you are now to serve God
3. Service to God is an investment on fertile ground. Mark 10:28-30. Kingdom service brings preservation, protection, open heaven. Psalm 89:20 Exodus 23:25
4. Kingdom service demands faithfulness. 1 Cor. 4:2
5. Service to God is to be borne out of love and not out of what we can get.
6. Working for God is no substitute for walking with God. 2 Tim. 2:19

Call To Action
1. Give your life to Jesus Christ. Rom. 10:9-10
2. Ask God to show you the specific area you should be serving Him. Acts 9:6.
3. Serve God reverently. Heb. 12:28

Anything in my life that will make me unfit for kingdom service, be flushed out of my life in Jesus name