Pst Femi Oluwatimehin

Date: Sunday, 21st February 2021

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: Eccl. 12: 13

Happy Sunday Church and Happy 13th Anniversary to Us All.

Today we’d together explore what it means to render service – genuine service – in God’s kingdom. Without further ado, we delve straight into the business of the day.

What is Kingdom Service?
By definition, a kingdom is a domain ruled by a king while service is an act rendered.
In simple language, a kingdom service is then an act of doing something for God in His domain.

A bit of perspective is appropriate before we proceed. Now, as happens to be the case in our secular jobs where we have job descriptions for our specific jobs given to us upon appointment, so it is in Christendom. Upon salvation, the Bible is God’s recommended text containing our job description for true kingdom service.

Arms of Kingdom Service:
Kingdom service has two arms separate but seemingly interwoven. They are:
1. Walking with God and;
2. Working for God.

Enoch as a case study (Gen. 5:22-24):
In the arms listed above, the ordering is deliberate. The pre-requisite to working for God is walking with Him and not vice versa. Scripture has the testimony that Enoch walked with God. One can thereafter only imagine what the quality of his work would have been. Little wonder God took Him as He was pleased with the quality of work he rendered – a sincere and genuine work.

Those who flout this sequence at best, offer counterfeit work and Jesus in Matt. 7: 22 was quick to point that out as well as the disaster it portends. It is expected of us Christians, that our work for God should be an outflow of our personal walk with God. The sanctity of that order must be preserved. Friend, if you walk with God, naturally, you will fulfil the arm of working for Him.

What it means to walk with God:
1. Walking with God can be likened to a love affair between God and a person (Matt.22:37). Fundamentally, it is personal, not congregational. It must be mentioned though that it is God’s spirit in us that empowers us to love Him like we ought to (Rom. 5:5).
2. Walking with God is intentional. It is a constant fellowship between the creator and his creation. Beloved, to fellowship with God, we need to connect through:
a. Studying His word (2Tim. 2:16).
b. Prayers (Mk. 1:35)
c. Meditation (Josh. 1:8): Meditation is an act of focusing on a thought until it becomes impressed in our hearts. When we meditate, God’s life becomes induced in us, making concepts clear thus, enlightening our understanding. Meditation on God’s word releases the latent power of God in us.
d. Prompt obedience to His commands.
e. Observing our quiet time.
f. Learning of Him (Matt. 11:29).
g. Having reverential fear for God (Gen. 39:9).

Further notes on how our walk with God yields fruitful work is when we happily evangelize, cheerfully give and pray regularly.

Conclusively, for God to acknowledge our work, we have to walk with Him in holiness. (Rom. 12:1). It is only when we walk with God that we can confidently activate the blessings in His word.