Pastor Shola Abiodun

Date: 14th of March, 2021

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: Hebrews 9:13-14

It’s so important we examine the issues of our conscience because we’re in a age where sin is becoming a norm. Things that are abnormal are being normal because the conscience is dead.

We all know man is a spirit living in a body and has a soul. We all know the body is made up of our bones, flesh and blood. Our soul has our will, mind and emotions but the spirit is where the conscience sits. Every man has a conscience whether you’re born again or not. By the time we give our life to Christ our conscience becomes regenerated then the voice of your conscience becomes the voice of God.

What is a conscience?

  • It’s an inner witness that testifies against us ( 2 Corinthians 1:12)
  • It’s a judge that condemns or vindicates us.
  • It’s an independent wityn within us.


  • Regularly feed our spirit man with the word of God, prayers and anointed songs and messages. When we don’t do that, we open our conscience for defilement and filthiness which leads to spiritual death.

Your Conscience Needs Revival

1. When you commit sin at will without any godly sorrow ( 2 Corinthians 7:10)

2. When you follow people to do evil.

3. When all that does through your soul is filthiness, defilement and pollution.

4. When you no longer hear that inner voice.

5. When you do wrong things and don’t feel bad about it.

6. When you claim to be born again but you’ve not truly repented.

7. When you’re inner witness does not condemn you again.

8. Ignoring the assembly of the brethren.

9. When there’s zero zeal for the things of God.

10. When heaven is no longer your focus.

What Should We Do?

  • The result of a dead conscience leads to hell fire. Therefore, we need to ask for a regeneration of our conscience. We need to do a spiritual check up regularly about the state of our conscience.
  • We need fresh baptism of fire. We need to constantly recharge our spirit man.
  • We need to purge our conscience of any dead work. This is something we need to do constantly.