Pst Amos Aluko

Date: Sunday, 21st of March, 2021

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Service: 1st

Text: Rom. 1:28, 1 Tim. 4:1-2

Good morning Church. Happy Sunday.
Beloved, God’s mercy does expire! (At least for a season). That sounds a daring assertion especially hearing it from a man but it is one of the harsh realities of life.
Truth be told, scripture clearly makes us understand that while Jesus truly stands patiently knocking on the doors of our hearts (Rev. 3:20), if we continually leave him out in the cold, he sure would leave for a season. When this happens, it is safe to say that at that moment, for the fellow in question, they are running out of mercy.

Scripture is replete with such individuals that were “living it on the edge”. Cain, Jonah, to name but two are some familiar characters that but for God’s grace, they would have been doomed.

A Dead Conscience Leads to Death:
Unfortunately, while a dead conscience certainly means spiritual death, it does lead to physical death too. That was the case of a brother who dared go against one such prophecy on adultery. Tragically, he lost his life to it.

It grieves my heart when I hear our Father in the Lord reveal that there are peculiar moments when he attempts to pray for an individual and he’d hear God expressly say a firm No. Case closed! On such occasions, you would agree with me that that individual, is running out of God’s mercy and they need to run back to Calvary. If you’ve like Cain begun on this journey of no return, please return. God loves you.

Just When Does Our Conscience Die?
The conscience dies when we:
1. Choose to listen to serpentine slander against God. (Gen. 3:4-5). I dare say it that the first sin Adam and Eve did commit wasn’t that of disobedience rather it was their paying attention to a subtle form of deceptive slander from the devil.

2. Deliberately disobey God. (1 Sam. 15:19). Like Samuel to Saul, I’d say to any deliberate sinner: Deliberate disobedience yields deliberate repercussions.

3. Secretly justify our sins.

4. Kick at rebuke and corrections.

5. No longer fear God.

Dangers? What Dangers?
When your conscience dies, just what happens:
1. You simply can’t hear from God.

2. You get easily demonized and manipulated. You begin to stink in God’s nostrils. Such stench repulses God and stops His presence from saturating our gatherings. Little wonder our small gatherings nowadays can’t scare a feather!

3. You sink continually until you become completely submerged.

4. You die.

Brethren, I’d leave you with these words as I round-off, for those of us who sincerely want to discontinue this journey of no-return, God’s word to us today is Mercy prevails.
God bless you.