Pst. Wole Daniels

Date: Sunday 28th March, 2021


Text: 2 Tim 4:1-4, 1 Tim 4:1-2

Good morning to us all and Happy Sunday too.

This morning we continue our series on the conscience by considering the topic: The poison of the Conscience.

The conscience as defined in the dictionary is the moral compass of the soul, that tells right from wrong.

Now, just as life itself involves living, the conscience as an entity can be alive or dead.
A dead conscience spells trouble for the spirit of any man. A dead spirit corrupts the soul and a corrupted soul robs us of being in sync with God. This Beloved, is what leads to death. (Ezek. 18:20).

Friends, a life not in sync with God is a life of frustration.

I pray for you that whatsoever the enemy is projecting into the world to deal with the souls of people and constantly destroy their spirits shall not have a hold in your life in the name of Jesus.

Again, I pray that every plan of the enemy to deaden your conscience shall come to nought in the name of Jesus.

How the Conscience gets infected:
As Paul expressed in 2Tim. 4:1, the following is the step-by-step approach the enemy uses to pollute our conscience:
1. A departure from faith: This begins with harmless looking questions that causes you to doubt the fundamentals of your faith.

2. Giving heed to seducing spirit: This goes beyond seduction in the traditional sense of the word. Paul here, is trying to point us to seduction away from God – our quest to seek other gods, gods of fame, money, power, influence etc.

3. An adherence to the devil’s doctrine: These encompasses all outrightly wrong ideas or any form of perversion.

4. A tendency to lie hypocritically: At this stage, the conscience has been so warped, it no longer has a capacity for the truth. Consequentially, a person that has gotten to this stage will no longer be able to stand any form of sound doctrine.

5. A disposition to follow fables: Fables which could be in form of myths, or other acts of make-believes conjured as a means of deception.

Antidotes to a Poisoned Conscience:
Do you desire to purge your conscience? Then,
1. Give your life to Christ.

2. Keep your heart with all diligence. (Prov. 4:3). Truth is, with the spate of perversion around, it is wise to know that it isn’t all messages that are worth listening to, and not every meeting worth attending.

3. Diligently search the truth for yourself. (Acts 17:11).

4. Don’t depart from the old path.

5. Be prayerful.

Conclusively friends, I urge you to keep your heart with all diligence.