Pst. Emmanuel Oladimeji

Date: Sunday, 16th of May, 2021.

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: Job 3:25

Happy Sunday Church and welcome to a new week.

Quite the irony that our text for today, just about goes against the essence of my message. Not quite though as a quick reading of Job. 42: 10-17 will show that while Job’s fear did happen and appear to last, it was momentary.

FEAR: (Quite truly) False Evidence Appearing Real.

Beloved, fear is transient. While it does appear as real, in actuality it is an illusion. Fear does come in various forms. There is fear of failure, fear of the unknown, and at some point in every man’s life, fear does grip them. The question is at such moments do you give in or trust God?

In 2 Tim. 1:7 Paul revealed that (crippling) fear isn’t from God. Friend, the only fear God wants us to have is a reverent fear towards Him which brings peace of mind. He doesn’t want us to fret! Fear magnetizes evil, just as faith magnetizes good.

Facts on the tragedy of fear:
1. Fear invites disaster into one’s life.
2. Fear brings frustration. It frustrates mentality. It destroys your thinking and changes your flow of good thought.
3. Fear paralyzes actions, creativity and initiative.
4. Fear brings discouragement: Thomas Edison’s success on the light bulb reveals that while success could seem far-flung, had he given in to misguided fear, he wouldn’t have kept the faith to attain the successful feat he is known for. Friend when fear knocks, tell faith to go open the door.
5. Fear equals failure.

Dear brother, dear sister, the fact that you failed before doesn’t make you failure. Your current state is only a confirmation of where God is taking you to. You have a great future. Keep the faith, persevere.

Are you in need of Faith?
1. Study God’s word (Rom. 10: 17).
2. Correct association or correct positioning.
3. Speak woe to your fears whenever they surface.
4. Starve your fear and feed your faith with faith building passages and messages. Receive the message of your future in the scripture.
5. Declare right things continuously about your life and over your life.

Conclusively friends, know that whatever you can’t profess, you can’t achieve. Don’t allow fear to hold you down. Whenever fear knocks at the door, tell faith to answer.