Pst Kunle Olaide

Date: Sunday, 11th of July, 2021

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: 1 Cor. 4:20, Mk. 16:15, Lk. 4:18.

Lighting the Torch of Revival
Pstr. Kunle Olaide

Date: Sunday, 11th of July, 2021
Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church
Text: 1 Cor. 4:20, Mk. 16:15, Lk. 4:18.

Happy Sunday Church and welcome to a new week.

Today’s sermon would center on “Revival”. A brief prelude would suffice. Revival connotes emergency for something in the process of dying. I put it to you friends that the state of today’s church – rife with corruption and muddled with contamination – is one in urgent need of such.

What is Revival? It is:

  1. The activation of the power that raised Jesus from the dead.
  2. The restoration of God’s kingdom.
    Beloved, it is an absence of revival that makes us easy prey for manipulators.
  3. The restoration of God’s power. (1 Cor. 4:20, Mk. 16:15). As often happens, an absence of power is usually an indication of a need for revival.
  4. To open the eyes of both the spiritually and physically blind.

One of our fathers in the Lord told the story of a revival service held in his church. During the course of the service, a woman died. Quite an irony for the kind of service hosted.
The elders of the church brought the woman forward and prayed intensely for her, yet the woman was not revived. The turmoil this generated caused the man to sense something was fishy. So the man of God, who was seated somewhere at the back (and happened to be physically blind, but had the eyes of the spirit) came forward and on getting to the dead woman, he spoke to her that she sit up, and she did. On interrogating her, she confessed that she was sent by her coven to come disrupt the revival by dying in the service. (Safe to say those present were in shock!). There and then, the man of God instructed her to die again and this time permanently. And die, she did.

Friends, this is revival! A physically blind man seeing beyond the physical!!

  1. The church moving in order to make God move.

The anointing is the ability to do good. Like it was said of Jesus in Acts 10:38 who went about doing good and healing those that were oppressed because God was with him. When you are anointed, you will pass your boundary. Something within you will want to go out and affect your environment

  1. The ability of God’s Spirit through us to wake up what is dead or dying.

What then do we have to do for revival to occur?

  1. Without compromise, be genuinely born again.
  2. Make every conscious effort to bring back holiness.
  3. Read, study and meditate on God’s word. (With the word, we as Christians, ward off the enemy).
  4. Ditch your “Bethsaida”. Bethsaida happens to be a place of once-in-a-year-miracle. It is a place that quenches revival, a place opposed to miracles.
    Your Bethsaida Beloved, are your bad friends, and wrong associates.
  5. Be a faithful person and be faith-filled.

Conclusively friends, God’s kingdom would be restored and revived only through righteousness and demonstration of power.