Pst Abiodun Ladejola

Date: 26th September, 2021

Text: Romans 12 :11

If you want to be a history maker, you need passion; John the Baptist stood out in his generation because of his passion. God wants you to love him, obey him, pray to him and pursue him with passion.

You can’t be a spectacle without passion; The three Hebrew children had passion for God (Matthew 6:33).

What does  passion mean?. It  means “zeal for God”. You must get to a point that you desire to see God and go after him.

Apostle Paul had passion and spiritual hunger for God. Hunger  for God will push you to do his will (Matthew 6:19).

What is your passion for?

If you want to outlive your generation and keep being a force to reckon with, connect to God.

– Have passion for God. ( Psalm 63:1-2); David was a man that pursued after God

– Make your life to be what God wants it to be  (Psalm 91:14).

– It is God that raises people, you don’t climb up by ladder.

– The fire that you need in old age, you need to gather it now . As a youth, this is the time heaven is counting on you.

– Enoch walked with God (Genesis5:24), by implication, when you love God above every other thing, he reveals himself (Deuteronomy 6:4-6).

The period of the youth is an important period, and it is a period of:

1.            Strength (1John 2:14 ).

2.            Temptation ( Psalm 25:7 ).

3.            Lay a solid foundation for adulthood/future.

4.            Take responsibility.

5.            Make important decisions.

6.            Avoid distraction.