
Spoken Word

On October 1st, 1960, Nigeria gained independence from the British Colonial Masters. In this anthology, some spoken word ministers have reflected on the state of the nation 61 years after.

They say old. I say not destroyed.

They say dry. I say not barren.

They say torn down. I say a reconstruction.

Green and white, a theme known worldwide,

Prosperity and purity, that’s it’s light.


©️ Truth

Looking rough and unsettled

Good news is far from being in sketch

Yet we stay hopeful

We live by faith

We trust God to make Nigeria better because this is our Jerusalem



From Nigeria we hail thee,

To Arise O’ compatriots.

Year after year,

As the wind blows upon our flag and as the sun licks of the only colour left.

I am convinced that we would rise again.


©️ Mama Ko


Just when I had gotten tired of ‘HER’

After ceaseless labouring

She brought forth Greatness

Though in her grey age

Then I realized it was all a dream.


©️ Mercy Onyes

Our Fathers have fought our cause

To turn this cup of misery that had bewitched us

And yeah, it’s another year of jubilation and celebration to make merry

But has our cause really been fought for?

When would this rhetorical question make more meaning to us?


©️ Favour

Is this truly independence?

I am a country!!! What country am I?

Those who are left, are looking for a way out.

Those who have left, are looking for a way back.

Those who are left have nothing to hold on to.

Those who are back have nothing to show for it.


©️ Ogochukwu


6 decades of freedom,

It’s been bitter sweet,

Staggering into the green land,

But with hope we’ll strive into the land for more green.


©️ Melody

I grew and wanted to live a free life, get away from my parents and be able to call my shot.

I then discovered that true independence is not in independence but in absolute submission & yieldedness.

Freedom without control is doom-dom.

Independence without wisdom is a prison.

Now I know independence, now I am free indeed.


©️ Big BAMO

Happy independence Nigeria