Date: 27th February 2022.

By Dr. D. K. Olukoya.

My Wife and I warmly congratulate the Youth Church on their 14th Year Anniversary; God bless you in Jesus’ Name. It is amazing how quickly time has gone, and it is amazing what God has done in your midst, God bless you in the mighty name of Jesus. However, this is a serious message to all members of the youth church. As you celebrate your 14th  Anniversary, God is set to do great, awesome, and marvelous things in your midst.

The kind of good things God wants to do in your midst is completely unimaginable; please mark my words! The Lord is set to do ten powerful things in the youth church.

  1. Extraordinary promotions
  2. Open disgrace of stubborn enemies
  3. Unusual and uncommon good open doors
  4. Explosive prosperity
  5. Dismantling of long-term problems
  6.  Death of strong powers troubling the children of God
  7. Recovery of lost blessings, opportunities, and virtues
  8. Bombardment of disgrace for impossibilities
  9. Miracles that will make people respect your God
  10. Unbelievable favour and wonders that will alter the course of your story

If you are going to key into these 10 things, can I hear you shout ten halleluyah you have never shouted before?

But for all these things to come to pass, there is a power you must deal with.


I am going to read four scriptures very quickly to identify the power:

  • Proverbs 24: 30
  • Proverbs 6: 9
  • Ecclesiastes 10:18
  • Romans 12:11

We must all depart from the school of physical and spiritual laziness. Laziness is a destroyer; don’t be too lazy to pray, read your Bible, go for service and do the things of God. Laziness is a force in reverse; it does much by not doing anything or doing very little.

Don’t join the camp of the lazy; the earth has great potential to yield fruits to men. Through laziness, the same earth can yield less than what it is capable of yielding.

Worse still, through laziness, thorns, and thistles can grow where they ought not to; thus, converting the earth’s potential for yielding food into the potential of providing thorns.

Laziness is so powerful that it is capable of breaking down even a stone wall that otherwise should have lasted. You must depart from the school of the lazy ones.

Pray more, read your Bible more, consecrate your life more; do not be lazy. Spiritual laziness is a problem of this age. Refuse to be lazy. Don’t hand over the control of your life to a Prophet, Pastor, or a Priest somewhere. In MFM, we teach, “do it yourself”. So get ready, get yourself equipped. God bless you in the name of Jesus.

When you do all these, the promises shall come to pass. Glory be to the name of Jesus.

Thank you, Father. I am praying for Your children Lord, that it shall be well with them. All those who have been troubling your Israel, you shall see them no more.

As you are here today, you shall not leave here without the next direction in your life in the name of Jesus.

You shall work in the fullness of your destiny in the name of Jesus; the Lord shall connect your spirit to higher realms, visions, and revelations, and you will receive grace and power to do the work ahead of you in the name of Jesus.

As it was with Elisha, you will receive the mantle of power in the name of Jesus. Thank you, heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Mighty Name we pray. Amen.

“I congratulate you once more, by this time next year, everyone listening to me shall be a greater bundle of testimonies. In Jesus’ Name… Amen.”

The main message is what you have heard from Our Father in the Lord. He told us ten things that God has purposed to do for the serious-minded members of the Youth Church, which include: promotion, victory, etc; and the ten things we need to do, like he emphasized, “Mark my words”. But in addition, I want to say this before we bring the service to a close.

  1. Increase the level of your commitment to God

It is your level of commitment to God that will make Him committed to the affairs of your life, your commitment to the kingdom assignment and the Father’s business will trigger God’s commitment to the affairs of your life. Hence, as we move from where we are now to the 15th year, increase the level of your commitment to the kingdom business.

2. Take God seriously.

God will never do anything serious with unserious people; hence, if you want God to do anything serious in your life this year, take Him seriously.

3. Don’t be careless.


  • Lord, deliver me from unwise decisions  and steps