By: Pastor Emmanuel Oladimeji

Date: Sunday, May 8th, 2022

Venue: MFM Int’l Youth Church HQ

Text: 3 John 2

Secrets to break financial Hardship cont. from last week.

8. Avoid the lifestyle of wastefulness. There is wealth in wastes. There are riches in rubbish. You can turn trash to wealth. If you fail to use what is not in use for a long time, it can hinder others from coming in. You either give it out or sell it.

9. Be faithful in all doing. Prov 28:20.

To be faithful means to:

  • Be committed in what you’re doing.
  • Be consistent in doing the right thing even in the presence of none.
  • Be available where you are meant to be.
  • Reliable and dependable.

10. Partner with God. Luke 5:1-7.

  • A+B is needed.
  • A is constant (God is A. He is constant, while B is you. Not constant all the time)
  • If B doesn’t deliver, A will.

11. Offer solutions. Look for problems and challenges, then offer solutions. Your prosperity is inside the problem you solve.

12. Decrease your expenditure and increase your investment. The poor have the hunters mentality while the rich have the mentality of a shepherd.  The difference between the rich and poor is their thinking.

13. Be diligent in all you do. Prov 10:4

14. Maintain a large vision, see beyond the boundary of your limitation.

  • You can see the picture of your future in the scripture.
  • What you’re going through is a sign of where you’re going to.
  • Write the vision and run with it.
  • A small vision i.e a vision that is your size is a not a vision. Have a vision that is big.

15. Maintain a godly character. Display integrity in whatever you do.

16. Invest in good relationships.

Prayers Points

🔥Lord, open my eyes to how I can offer solution to my generation. Help me with a heart to love like You.

🔥 Powers assigned to frustrate your efforts, the blood of Jesus will frustrate them in the name of Jesus.