Written by Finette

Joseph was a young boy under the tutelage of his father, Jacob. And by God’s grace, Jacob was living comfortably on his handwork and the properties he gathered from Laban his father-in-law. Jacob wasn’t a poor man but Joseph his son still had to work. At seventeen, he was already working with his half-brothers to feed his father’s flock (Gen 37:2).

Along the line, he faced numerous challenges that landed him into captivity. He didn’t have the freedom to work even if he wanted to. He was in the prison. Before he got to the prison, the Bible made mention of the fact that his master, Potiphar saw that the Lord was with him and made all that he laid his hands upon to prosper(Gen. 39:3).

This made us know that despite God’s promises concerning you, your finances and other areas of life, it is possible to face challenges at certain junctions. However, it would be necessary to state that the challenges are in themselves not as bad as it might seem.- Your Mindset about the challenge. Joseph never saw his situation from the way it appeared. He choose to see the brighter side of it.

He said, ” Behold, my master wotteth not what is with me in the house, and he had committed all that he hath to my hand. There is none greater than I; neither has he kept anything back from me but thee, because thou art his wife: how can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” (Gen. 39 :8-9) Joseph triumphed over his situation; even though he was bought as a servant, he made the best use of his time as one, he excelled in everything he did.

After on, he progressed to the prison. Progress, Prison, it sounds weird right? Bear in mind that this wasn’t just any prison, it was the palace prison. Potiphar had to act on the allegations placed on Joseph by his wife, but in His heart he had respect for Joseph. So you understand how the promotion came about? It was just a test to further prove his worth, just as you taking exams at different points to advance in class or level

He got into the prison and maintained his good conducts. The prison keeper noticed his good habits and put him in charge of everything. This wasn’t an academic test, it was a test of character. The bible says “he looked not to anything that was under his hand because the Lord was with him.”(Gen. 39:23a).    By virtue of your reading this piece, I pray the Lord will be with you and those around you will know in the mighty name of Jesus.

“…and that which he did, the Lord made it to prosper.”(Gen. 39:23b) The works of your hands will prosper by His grace but, are you ready to commit to God? The young man said, “how can I do this great wickedness before the lord?” What’s your lifestyle like? How do you treat God or the things of God?

The prison experience could have been enough  since he already excelled at it, but it was a place of restriction; He couldn’t express his full potentials yet. Then God took him through another class. He used a spiritual gift for his advancement – “Interpretation of dreams”. When he was a child, he was just a dreamer, but as he grew, God polished his gift. He now interpreted dreams. Finally, he was elevated to the palace – The prison to palace story!

Lest we forget, the wisdom of God was evident in his life. He did not only interpret the dream, but he also intelligently proffered a workable solution. “This is what it says and this must be done about it” The meaning of the dream was tasking however,  interpreting the dream was a bigger task.  He managed the situation to avoid panic. He told them about the dream  and proffered a solution immediately.(Gen. 41 :25-36).

And Pharaoh was delighted in everything about him that he said, ” Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the spirit of God is?” (Gen. 41:38) And Pharaoh put him in charge again; Not of his house this time, neither of other slaves, but of the entire country. Imagine being released from Kiri Kiri prison because of your spiritual gift and becoming the president because of the wisdom God has helped you to manifest, this was the case with Joseph. When Pharaoh’s dream was being fulfilled and the famine came, the nation of Egypt cried to Pharaoh and he said, “ Go unto Joseph; what he asks you to do, Do!”

Do you want to be at the peak of your career? Do you want to succeed? Then, you must cling unto God the giver of wealth. No scene escapes his eye. He can guide you and place you exactly where you’re supposed to be. And when he does, do not take it lightly. Continue with your good grades just like Joseph!