He walketh through the valley of the shadow of death

Trotting majestically like a lion cub evading the territory of the hyenas

Yet He fretted not

By His left, thousands of armies against Him

Tens of thousands by His right

Still, He fretted not

Wielding the sword of the spirit

As neat a cut from a new blade 

He slices through the lions of fear and pain with ease

Like a life mannequin of war, He standeth steadfast 

With His loins grided in truth

Uprightly guided by the buckler of truth, lest He falls

Like a thousand army advancing in a shield wall

He advances through the fiery darts of doubts, in a shield wall of faith

With a dazzling light as bright as the noonday sun resting upon a mirror,

Radiating from His armor of holiness, He pierces through the darkness cast before Him

Becoming a dazzling light casting shadows upon shadows in the shadows of death

As determined and genuine as the heart of a winner

He kept His pace, consistently advancing forward

“IF GOD BE FOR ME, WHO CAN BE AGAINST ME”, He roars as he keeps advancing

No giant stood a chance, defaming the word “giant”

All thou which dwellest in the shadow of death

All bowed in fear and acknowledgment on hearing the clomping of His footsteps advancing

Like a new born wailing for help in the absence of a guardian, all acknowledged His mighty roar

For no one was against Him.

So tell me why should Thou fret at the empty threats of the enemies

Empty vessels making the loudest noise

Do thou not behold His Majesty walketh with him, leading his path?

Do thou not see His Majesty dancing to the roar of His champion?

Or art thou blind to the host of angel-armies led by His Majesty?

Why should He fret?

Why should God’s champion fret?
