By: Pastor Sola Abiodun
Date: Sunday, June 12th 2022.
Venue: MFM Int’l Youth Church HQ

Text – Ezekiel 1:1; Isaiah 6:1-5

Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God.

Ezekiel 1:1


In the year that king Uzziah died, I also saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.

Isaiah 6:1

Beloved, you are warmly welcome to another refreshing time in God’s presence in this month of Joy. I believe that you and your household are already leaping for joy and I pray that the Lord God of Elijah multiplies your joy and laughter this month in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

Today, we continue our series for the month titled, Divine Encounter. As previously mentioned, an encounter with the Almighty is better than meeting any pastor, regardless of the pastor’s name/title. A five minutes encounter with God, the Almighty—just five minutes with the Almighty—is better than a year-round meeting with all the general overseers and bishops in the world.

When God lays His mighty hands upon your head, it is better than all the prophets in this world laying their hands on you. I pray that whether convenient for you or not, whether convenient for your enemies or not, this month you’ll meet God and encounter the Almighty in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Friends, what you see determines what you know. What you know determines how far you will go.

There are certain things that will happen to you when you encounter God:

  1. When you encounter God, you will know your position. When Peter met Jesus and caught fishes after Jesus asked him to throw his net into the sea, Peter looked at Jesus and said, “depart from me, for I am a sinner.” He saw himself. A lot of us are yet to see ourselves. Some even think in their heart that they are very good. The Bible says all those righteousness you’re putting together are filthy rags.
  2. When you encounter God, you will see your sin for what it is —  horrible and ugly.
  3. When you encounter God, you will experience His presence and will begin to receive information on how to move your life forward. If you don’t have that information, you may be in trouble. The lack of that information is what is troubling so many lives today.
  4. When you encounter God, then and only then will you receive spiritual vision. God opens your eyes, so you can see what others do not see — you are keyed into the inner circle of Heaven. You receive revelation of what would happen in a year or years to come. He may say, “Son, keep quiet. Say nothing and just behold what is going to happen.” I am praying for somebody here and I’m praying from my heart, may you receive an encounter that will change your destiny forever in the name of Jesus! Amen.
  5. When you encounter the Almighty, the anointing to excel comes upon you
  6. When you encounter the Almighty, whether the enemy likes it or not, your destiny will move forward. And as you move, there is nothing the enemy can do.
  7. When you encounter the Almighty, demons that had been hovering around you will flee because of the presence of God and the shadow of the Almighty around you. When you carry God’s presence to a place, darkness will flee because you have encountered God.
  8. When you encounter the Almighty God, you see backsliding as a disgrace.
  9. When you encounter the Almighty God, your priority will change. Some people know that their priorities lie in partying and dancing. For some, their priority is simply wearing nice clothes, unbothered about the source. But when you encounter God, your priority will change; then will you begin to experience a new beginning.
  10. When you encounter God, you will receive fresh fire and your spiritual life will be charged. Then deep secrets, very deep secrets about yourself, your family, and about the nation will be revealed to you.
  11. When you encounter the Lord, then would you receive fresh direction and things would begin to happen. This is a very serious matter.
  12. When you encounter God, you will receive fresh oil. Friends, there is a difference between meeting prophets, meeting pastors and meeting the Almighty God. What I am doing now is to point you to that Almighty God, so you too will have your own personal encounter with Him.  I pray for you as you read this newsletter, may you encounter the Almighty God in the name of Jesus!

Crave for this encounter today and your life will never remain the same again forever. Amen.

Ways to encounter God

  1. Through revelation
  2. Through worship
  3. Through the word of God
  4. Through anointed messages

“… Time is a necessary factor to consider if we truly want to have an encounter. Create time for God”.

Prayer points

  1. The God of divine encounter, my life is available, encounter me today.
  2. God of divine visitation, my life is available, visit me today in the name of Jesus.