Written by Dorcas

I’m Beatrice, a successful singer, and a writer. It’s indeed true that the route to the top could sometimes be sloppy, I’m glad I am now all the way up, either way, I would love to share my life experience with you all.

I was Sixteen when my ordeal pierced deeper into my soul, four girls came to me; all wanting to be friends with me.

The first girl introduced herself as Frustration.

The second girl called herself Idleness.

The third girl was named Consistency.

The fourth girl said she was Success.

Frustration and Idleness were jolly friends, the same goes with Consistency and Success.

I wanted to, and chose to be friends with consistency because I felt that; being friends with her would make me better than my former self, and not only that, being friends with her would also make Success recognize and want to be friends with me.

During that period of time, I had this pressing desire to be noticed, seen, to be recognized, but the world didn’t seem to notice my efforts despite the number of hours spent recording and editing a video; only to finally post it on the media and getting little or no feedback.

I was torn apart the very day I wrote an article of two thousand words, no single view or like, despite the effort and hours spent in ensuring the article was top-notch.

After this day, I couldn’t help but push consistency away, I became too heartbroken to continue, I suddenly despised my friend; consistency. Frustration was so eager to console me, that I clung unto her even after consistency tried pulling me away.

For all I cared for; frustration was now my backbone. Sooner than later, my beloved Frustration introduced me to her jolly friend named “Idleness” I stopped singing and stopped writing, I stopped learning and stopped them all to start; gisting and seeing movies all day; sometimes, sleeping and eating all day.

I wasn’t really happy with this life, but I shrugged all sad thoughts aside and clung to my newfound friends and freedom, I got quite comfortable with living in an uncomfortable situation. I wasn’t a good writer anymore, I stopped reading books and learning new words.

My days started following the same sequence of waking up, eating, seeing a movie, going out, gisting and doing all sorts of unprofitable things.


On a fateful day; just while strolling down the road to greet my friend: “Idleness,” I saw Success from afar off. Success was looking so beautiful, she dazzled and sparkled. At a point I had to take my eyes off, she was just too beautiful to behold.

There and then; I made up my mind to speak to her and make friends with her, I mustered up the courage and boldly walked close to her, but I realized that the closer I was to her, the farther we became apart. I tried and tried but all efforts seemed futile.

I sternly told myself “Beatrice, this is a great friend, you definitely can’t let her go, you must find a way to get to her.”

It was then I remembered the person who could link me up with her, I diverted and headed to the house of Consistency, I pleaded with her and told her I would amend my ways and be more consistent in my efforts.

Consistency was excited to see me, she forgave me and soon, we became really close once more, but before then; consistency told me to do away with my friends if I truly wanted to meet her friend; Success.

I let go of Frustration and Idleness despite their pleas and clung unto Consistency, but even at that, I still had my down moments, I still felt bad when I posted and got no response, Consistency noticed this and introduced me to God, I started reading his words and my peace was suddenly restored, I followed the words in Joshua 1 vs 8, abided by the commandment of God.

She also introduced me to dexterity and prayers. She also introduced me to smartness and intelligence, I can’t possibly remember all the good friends I met through her, but then there was Success, not just success but Good Success.

With Consistency, I prayed daily, read my Bible daily, sang, and wrote daily.

With Consistency, I got closer to God, I knew more scriptural verses, and I became skilled in singing and writing.

With God and Consistency by my side, I stopped waiting on the approval of others, I started working towards becoming better than my former self. I improved more and got better and better till I became the best.

With Consistency, I met with Success; she and I became really good friends.

With Consistency, I’m standing here on this podium; talking to you all.

God and Consistency led me to the path of Good Success.